Youth Vibe Cheshire (YVC) (360G-CheshireCF-A411408)

Deafness Support Network (DSN) provide a range of services for profoundly deaf and hearing impaired people of all ages. The project will enhance DSN's youth service, to enable young deaf and hearing impaired people to access a range of activities that would not normally be accessible to them - including bowling, ice skating, archery, film nights residential trips. This will be achieved by providing the right support around the young people including BSL interpretation, to enable them to access and enjoy these activities. The grant will pay for activity costs.

Where is this data from?

This data was originally published by Cheshire Community Foundation. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 5000
Amount Awarded 5000
Award Date 2016-11-11T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Name Cheshire East
Classifications: Code Children and Young People
Classifications: Description Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Classifications: Title All Ethnicities
Classifications: Title Reducing isolation
Classifications: Title Young people (13-18)
Grant Application No A420713
Grant Application: ID a061600000lGNWW
Grant Programme: Title Comic Relief Local Communities Programme
Planned Dates: End Date 2018-01-09T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2017-01-09T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 506791
Recipient Org: Web Address
Round: Round Name 2016 2 November