The Lice Feeders: Typhus, Science and Survival in the Polish Holocaust (360G-Wellcome-095978_Z_11_Z)


The goal of my research in the UK is to further my knowledge in the areas relevant to the completion of a book (working title listed as Q2) on typhus disease and typhus vaccines during WWII. In addition I wish to examine special files that are relevant to the lives and times of my principal subjects, Ludwik Fleck and Rudolf Weigl. (see Q10) I will spend my research time in the UK on the following: --studying documents at the National Archive related to British wartime typhus vaccine preparations and typhus prevention policies, as well as postwar British evaluations of German typhus vaccines, disease experiences and the German military medical establishment. --studying personal files and interviews with Holocaust/WWII survivors at the Imperial War Museum, including Special Operations Executive members who were imprisoned at Buchenwald concentration camp and were protected through contacts in the typhus ward there. --reviewing documents made available to me by Oxford-Brookes Professor Paul Weindling, from his personal collection. These include interviews with wartime employees of Rudolf Weigl and testimony from erstwhile colleagues of Ludwik Fleck.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 1841
Applicant Surname Allen
Approval Committee Medical History and Humanities Funding Committee
Award Date 2011-02-21T00:00:00+00:00
Financial Year 2010/11
Grant Programme: Title Miscellaneous: Inactive scheme
Internal ID 095978/Z/11/Z
Lead Applicant Mr Arthur Allen
Partnership Value 1841
Planned Dates: End Date 2011-03-03T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2011-01-04T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Country United States
Region International