Understanding the impact of ‘near-coding’ variation in human disease (360G-Wellcome-220134_Z_20_Z)


Rare diseases (prevalence 250 million people globally. Current approaches for identifying the genetic cause of a disease focus on regions of the genome that code directly for protein, finding a disease-causing variant in only ~50% of cases. My aim is to identify novel genetic variants outside of these protein-coding regions that lead to disease, and the mechanisms through which they do so. I will do this by applying computational and statistical methods to pioneering large-scale genomic datasets, totalling ~700,000 individuals. My approach will focus on ‘near-coding’ regions, defined as those directly adjacent to protein-coding sequence that have important functions regulating protein expression. I will use complementary approaches that (a) look for near-coding variants in rare disease patients without a causative coding variant and (b) assess the strength of negative selection acting on categories of near-coding variants to predict which are deleterious and cause disease. The findings from my work will be translated into clinical care to enable more patients to receive a valuable genetic diagnosis. In addition, increasing our understanding of the near-coding variant types that are deleterious will inform on genetic mechanisms underlying disease and suggest novel therapeutic strategies.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 828055
Applicant Surname Whiffin
Approval Committee Sir Henry Dale Fellowship Interview Committee
Award Date 2020-03-04T00:00:00+00:00
Financial Year 2019/20
Grant Programme: Title Sir Henry Dale Fellowship
Internal ID 220134/Z/20/Z
Lead Applicant Dr Nicola Whiffin
Partnership Name Royal Society/Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship
Partnership Value 828055
Planned Dates: End Date 2025-08-31T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-09-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Country United Kingdom
Region South East
Sponsor(s) Prof John Todd