About GrantNav
GrantNav is 360Giving’s search-engine for grants data. It is a free-to-use platform that brings together open, comparable grants data that is published by funders in the 360Giving Data Standard. GrantNav makes it easy to search, explore and download data about where funding goes and how much is given across billions of pounds of grants, for causes and locations across the UK.
For the list of organisations featured in this platform, visit: https://grantnav.threesixtygiving.org/funders.
New data is added to GrantNav as more organisations publish more of their grants in the 360Giving Data Standard.
GrantNav has been developed to allow anyone to use 360Giving data without needing to be a data expert. The data can be searched and viewed in different ways, showing grants listed by funder or recipient, or grouped by UK region and local authority district. This makes it easier to see connections in the data, and show organisations working in the same areas.
For help with searching and downloading (including advanced searches), visit: https://grantnav.threesixtygiving.org/help.
For more information about GrantNav and the data used in it, see the links in the footer below.
GrantNav was developed for 360Giving by Open Data Services. The project received funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Indigo Trust and Nesta.
We welcome feedback and questions on GrantNav. Please contact us
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