Tempus Novo in Calderdale (360G-CFFC-A653723)

Recipient Organization

Grant to Tempus Novo

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 20000
Amount Awarded 10803
Award Date 2022-08-12T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01010950
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Calderdale 023C
Grant Programme: Code 07/2022
Grant Programme: Title Crucible
Last Modified 2022-08-24T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 11
Planned Dates: End Date 2023-08-31T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2022-09-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1157079
Recipient Org: Description Tempus Novo’s aim is to assist offenders in gaining and retaining employment, thereby improving their life chances and reducing offending. Yorkshire. Tempus Novo was started in 2013 by two, then, prison officers concerned about the number of prisoners in their care who re-offended. TN is based in HMPPS training facilities adjacent to Leeds Prison provided rent and overhead free by the prison governor. TN works across a number of prisons in the Yorkshire region including Leeds itself, Wealstun, New Hall, Hatfield, and Askham Grange Women’s Prison. TN’s distinctive approach has been based on developing strong relationships with offenders who have reached the stage where they want to change their lives. The relationship and timing of interventions are key so that offenders can decide, with advice, how to make a major positive change in their lives and then build up a plan of action to achieve those changes. The founders vast experience of working with offenders is key to recognizing when an offender is ready to make meaningful changes in their lives and is a critical part of our approach. Offenders are involved in the development of their own programme at the outset and throughout their involvement with TN. The approach includes: - • Working with offenders whilst they are in prison or commencing community sentences to explore their options and assessing whether the TN approach is right for them. Each prisoner is allocated a case-worker, providing one to one support and coaching. For those going forward with TN, we sign a covenant with them setting out what support TN will offer and what they will commit to in return. Agreeing and signing the covenant is seen as an important part of an offender comitting themselves to changing their own lives. • Supporting prison leavers as they approach their release and ‘through the gate’, liaising with other relevant agencies where needed e.g. housing, drug and alcohol treatment services and other support services. • Preparing service users to apply for jobs and providing support during that period before getting a job, including support from ex-offenders users as mentors and referring participants to other helping agencies(e.g drug and alcohol abuse, accomodation, mental health) where specialist additional support is required. • Our most critical role is to match them to a job-vacancy as quickly as possible so that participants rapidly have access to income and structure to their lives and prevent them from falling back into previous lifestyles and re-offending. We provide support both for the offender and their family, and employers for up to 12 months. We place a great deal of emphasis on recruiting employers willing to offer sustainable jobs (no zero hour contracts). TN has a large network of employers across Yorkshire. We have placed offenders into a wide range of jobs including warehousing, window cleaning, wool scouring, logistics, engineering, catering, construction, and call centres. We have particualry close links with the logistics industry. TN has placed placed over 500 offenders in employment over the past 7 years. During that period, 74% of the offenders we worked with (which includes a quarter being prolific offenders) have stayed in their job for over 6 months, and progress in their employment. 40% of our clients are aged under 30 TN has developed particularly close links with the logistics industry. The UK logistics industry is the backbone of the UK economy, performing a vital role, not just in moving goods to and from hubs and ports, but also in supporting industries such as construction, manufacturing, and services. The industry employs 2.7 million people,10.7% of the UK labour force. and contributed £124 billion to the UK economy last year. It is also an industry which provided a massive opportunity for TN given its wide range of jobs from warehouse operative through fork-lift driver, HGV driver and other specialist roles, to team leaders and management. TN has developed a strong working relationship with Leeds based Clipper Logistics with whom we have placed almost 100 ex-offenders into jobs. We also have partnerships with a number of other Logistics companies including National group Culina a chilled food and drinks importer, with a turnover of £800 million, 9000+staff; XPO Logistics a global organisation with over 100,000 employees; Yusen Logistics, who are also a worldwide organisation with over 20,000 employees; and Leeds based Torque Logistics who have over 1000 staff across 8 large depots. Tempus Novo has now been operating for over 6 years. Since 2014 Tempus Novo have placed 468 people into work. Over that period TN received 3368 referrals of which 1478 were interviewed and risk assessed, 468 went on to secure jobs with only 26 returning to prison, giving a re-conviction rate of 5.5% compared to the National average of 50% re-offending within 12 months of release and 64% re-offending within 2 years. 34% of these were some of the most complex offenders known as PPOs (Prolific and Priority Offenders)”. We have consistently achieved a retention rate of over 70% remaining in work over 6 months, clear evidence of our success. TN is supported by a strong team of Trustees and Advisors including a Criminal Justice QC, a senior manager in the Logistics Industry, a former Justice of the Peace, and a certified accountant. Our president Jonathan Aitken is a well-known author, broadcaster, ex-Cabinet Minister, ex-MP, and ex-prisoner. He has been a leading voice for the cause of rehabilitating offenders.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.tempusnovo.org