Meeting the needs of rural older people who were self-isolating during the Covid-19 Pandemic (360G-CFNI-A566621)

towards a programme of social activities for older people

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 2150
Amount Awarded 2150
Award Date 2020-07-27T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code 95YY01W1
Beneficiary Location: Name Beragh
Grant Programme: Code New Needs Fund - 4
Grant Programme: Title The New Needs Fund
Impact Category Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
Last Modified 2020-08-06T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 6
Planned Dates: End Date 2021-02-19T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-08-14T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group Seniors (65+)
Primary beneficiary Older People
Primary ethnicity White
Recipient Org: Charity Number NIC 104885
Recipient Org: Description Our main activities are to enrich the lives of older people living within our rural community. We achieve this by working practically to help residents as the need arises and by providing in particular opportunities for social interaction through our planned activities and events for older people to help relieve rural isolation, loneliness and promote health and well-being. Edenderry Rural Community Group members have a wealth of experience for increasing cohesiveness for others and to develop relationships between those from different cultures and traditions. Our activities, workshops and field trips over the past 4 years have all provided opportunities for rural older people to come together with a common interest or goal and these activities have helped to forge friendships between older people who would not normally meet or socialise together within our local rural area on the hinterland of Omagh town. Our organised trips always have an interactive workshop in the evening of the field trip to gauge success and help develop meaningful dialogue towards mutual understanding and respect. They are also an opportunity to find out first-hand what older people want from us as a group. One of our main aims as a group is to address rural social isolation and loneliness for older people living in rural communities, which unfortunately can lead to depression and exclusion for many. There are a number of identified problems in rural areas for older people that include lack of reliable transport, poor internet service/or unable to use internet which highlights the fact that some householders are left behind in terms of digital inclusion, poor provision of services which can be summed up by many elderly rural residents highlighting the fact that they live far from services such as shops and accessible transport which is inclined to leave the ageing rural population becoming increasingly isolated and vulnerable due to the on-going loss of friends and services from rural areas. There seems to be a general consensus that more needs to be done to ensure that the elderly who are most vulnerable in rural areas can avail of continuous and sustained social interaction. To do that we apply as a group for funding for activities, carry out fundraising ourselves and build up a network of support, all of which is aimed at addressing the needs identified by older people from the local community. As a rural farming area the people from the area, especially small farmers continually suffer financial hardship and a significant number of these smaller farmers are now elderly with families who have moved away and do not want the farming way of life. The elderly farming community rely on their state pension and traditionally have no other pension as the majority of them would not have contributed to a private pension such as Nilgosc which many workers or retirees in other work environments would have paid towards. We have a proven track record with other funders as a group that has the ability to target rural isolation especially for older people and provide feedback on all our funding within requested timelines. All of our committee members are from the rural area so we are very aware of the needs and concerns locally and our events are aimed at helping older people regain a sense of purpose in life by taking part in activities and events that help to build lasting friendships, targets isolation and loneliness. We are continually working to address local problems in our rural community and provide interaction where there is very little social interaction except what we provide as a group. Our projects are aimed at addressing the problems that manifest themselves with rural isolation and deprivation which exists in our local area for older people and we also like to provide older people with history and other activities that provide and promote cultural learning and diversity and are of interest to them. Edenderry Rural Community Group believes the direct public benefits which flow from our purpose are to improve the quality of life and well-being of older residents from the rural area, reducing feelings of social isolation, poverty and marginalisation. There is no private benefit to anyone within the group and all of our committee are volunteers with a genuine desire to reach out to others. The educational and recreational activities, Field Trips, Projects, Workshops and Events which we provide, we believe does help to promote health and well-being for our older people. Our participants provide us with feedback of the benefits to them and this also helps us to improve further the quality of life for those living in this rural area of Tyrone on the hinterland of Omagh Town. During the Covid-19 pandemic our community group volunteers was a much needed lifeline to those self isolating due to age and other health related problems. One of our overall aim and objective is to relieve rural social isolation and promote social inclusion.