Empowering Community Leaders in Armagh (360G-CFNI-A568437)

Recipient Organization

towards an organisational resilience training and support programme

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 10000
Amount Awarded 10000
Award Date 2020-08-17T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code 95CC03W1
Beneficiary Location: Name Callan Bridge
Grant Programme: Code New Needs Fund - 7
Grant Programme: Title The New Needs Fund
Impact Category Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
Last Modified 2020-08-20T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 6
Planned Dates: End Date 2021-02-12T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-08-17T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group Young Adults (19 – 25)
Primary beneficiary Families/Parents/Lone parents
Primary ethnicity White Irish
Recipient Org: Charity Number XT33430
Recipient Org: Company Number NI608901
Recipient Org: Description Aonach Mhacha aims to be a catalyst for the promotion and development of the Irish language, culture and heritage in the historic heart of Armagh City and the surrounding district, representing a population of some 54,500 inhabitants. This is achieved by promoting active participation in the cultural and artistic life of the community in Armagh which will help wider community deal with the effects of economic deprivation prevalent in the area surrounding Aonach Mhacha. Aonach Mhacha Maintains and manages a cultural centre and develops increased awareness, appreciation and understanding of Irish language and culture in Armagh City and surrounding district. Aonach Mhacha encourages participation in the study and celebration of local heritage, oral history, customs and pastimes of Armagh and the surrounding areas. We encourage participation in traditional arts and Irish cultural activities through the provision of workshops, classes, entertainment and other participatory activities. Aonach Mhacha provides facilities and support to traditional arts, cultural and community groups and organisations. We promote training and employment opportunities, particularly in the arts and in Irish cultural organisations empowering all who wish to get involved and improve their community irrespective of economic or community background or educational status. Aonach Mhacha's objectives are as follows:- The advancement of education, the promotion of traditional arts, heritage and Irish culture among Irish speaking people and the general public in Armagh and its environs (the “area of benefit”) and the promotion of community development and in particular to: (a) develop an awareness of and encourage appreciation of Irish culture through the promotion of the Irish language, music, drama, poetry, literature visual arts, sport and history; (b) raise awareness, educate and encourage participation in the study and celebration of local heritage, oral history, customs and pastimes of Armagh and the surrounding areas; (c) encourage participation in traditional arts and Irish cultural activities through the provision of workshops, classes, entertainment and other participatory activities; (d) provide facilities and support to traditional arts, cultural and community groups and organisations; (e) promote training and employment opportunities, particularly in the arts and in Irish cultural organisations; (f) maintain and manage a cultural centre for activities promoted by Aonach Mhacha in furtherance of our vision of a better more inclusive community with a greater appreciation of Irish language and our rich shared heritage.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://aonachmhacha.com