Five Villages Community Hub (360G-CheshireCF-A507455)

1. Mollington, Backford & District Village Hall. We provide and maintain the venue for a multitude of events and activities organised by both the VH committee and other users. 2. Our project will provide for the lack of cohesion in our semi-rural five village community by creating a new meeting hub as a stimulus to help the young and old become more engaged in mind and body, tackling isolation of our elderly and providing inclusivity. 3. The grant funding will be used for the essential 'building lightning protection system'. 4. The most significant difference the project will make is providing a continuing focal point for the community to gather together culturally, educationally and most importantly socially helping reduce elderly loneliness.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 1000
Amount Awarded 1000
Award Date 2019-04-30T00:00:00+00:00
Grant Application No A507455
Grant Programme: Title CCF - Small Grants Programme
IMPACT Category Promote reduction of isolation and disadvantage and access to local services
Planned Dates: End Date 2020-02-17T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2019-07-09T00:00:00+00:00
Primary Age Group All Ages
Primary Beneficiary Local residents
Primary Ethnicity White British
Primary Issue Stronger communities/Community support and development
Recipient Org: Charity Number 702464
Recipient Org: Description Our original Trust Deed stated the following as its aims & objectives: 1. The Trust Fund shall be held upon trust for the purposes of physical and mental training and recreation and social moral and intellectual development through the medium of reading and recreation rooms library lectures classes recreations and entertainments or otherwise as may be found expedient for the benefit of the inhabitants of the combined Parishes and their immediate vicinity without distinction of sex, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, class, marital status, or political, religious or other opinions. The Trust will treat all actual and potential employees, Contractors and Suppliers with equal respect and without distinction, in the same manner. Our Village Hall (VH) has provided a venue since 1950 for the local villagers to meet, socialise, engage in educational, keep-fit, theatrical, seasonal, public meeting, church, school, dance, music, history, panto events. The VH objectives have been to maintain the building, up-date it when possible, pursue correct policies with regards to legal requirements, insurance, public safety, provide a freely-available space booking system. It was a passive approach, reacting to what was asked of it. This approach changed when the committee took the decision to pursue funding with the objective of replacing the 1950 building with a new Community Hub. The process of preparation towards the initial BLF funding application became a somewhat of a reality check for the committee. Hitherto the building was available to those who wanted to hire it. The committee saw its role as one of maintaining the hall to allow this hiring to happen. Research and in particular two questionnaires revealed much more locally than realised. Our five semi-rural villages have virtually no services (no shop, PO or pub) and so lacked a sense of focus. Our elderly reported their sense of isolation and loneliness, families reported wanting to be more engaged in sporting activities and facilities for the youth remained unavailable. Current activities are wide and varied as expected in a hall like ours; Mothers & Toddlers, Brownies, WI, Flower arranging, U3A, Keep Fit (in various formats), History Society, Cheshire Rural Touring Arts, Cinema Club, locally-staged Murder Mystery plays, a panto, Pop-Up pub, school and church events, Hospice bereavement befriending session, Unison, seasonal theatre classes for teenagers and sessions for vulnerable children (Catch 22). Since starting our project we have instigated other events as a result of our questionnaires including, seasonal events (Halloween, school Proms), a Lunch Club, a Village Show, a First World War playlet and ?street party? last October. We plan to extend the activities on offer in the new building to help us achieve our outputs which, in so doing, will have a positive outcome on our residents of all ages and groups. Intense (indoor) activities will play a major role here.
Recipient Org: Location: Name Cheshire West and Chester
Recipient Org: Web Address
Round: Round Name 2019 3 March