Supporting survivors with complex needs (360G-CheshireCF-A536630)

Chester Sexual Abuse Support Service (CSASS) transforms the lives of adult survivors of sexual violence and abuse, through free specialist counselling, supportline/LiveChat and groupwork – and also campaigns to raise awareness and challenge attitudes leading to sexual violence. This project will improve the mental health of survivors with complex, long-term needs, through provision of prompt, needs-based counselling, and through building skills and capacity across CSASS. Funding will pay for: recruitment, induction and management of experienced counsellors, sessional fees for counselling and team training, clinical supervision, client appointment administration and data management. This project will transform the life and health of our most vulnerable survivors – a difference described best by a client, who felt suicidal before coming to CSASS: ‘(counselling) has saved my life . . . I have gone from waking up thinking of ways to go, to waking up and embracing the day . . . I had virtually dropped out of Uni and out of life . . . I am now well on the road to be the person I was always meant to be, without the chains of past and present trauma holding me down - I feel empowered, enabled and excited for the future.’

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 10000
Amount Awarded 10000
Award Date 2020-05-18T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E06000050
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Beneficiary Location: Name Cheshire West and Chester
Grant Programme: Code 2020 1 April
Grant Programme: Title CCF - Main Grants Programme
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Planned Dates: End Date 2121-04-30T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-04-30T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group Adults (26 – 65)
Primary beneficiary Victims of crime/violence/abuse
Primary ethnicity White British
Primary issue Sexual abuse
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1133564
Recipient Org: Description CSASS transforms the lives of adult survivors of sexual violence and abuse, through counselling, telephone supportline, LiveChat and groupwork. Our small staff team supports skilled volunteers delivering high impact services. In partnership with others, we reach survivors within under-represented communities, developing new ways of working. Our survivor-led campaigns prevent sexual violence, raising awareness and challenging attitudes and behaviour that lead to sexual violence. We empower survivors to take back control of their lives, to cope, and to recover. Each week we support around 30 survivors with free specialist counselling. Day and evening sessions are held at our Chester city centre base, and continue over weeks or months, until the client is ready to leave. Counselling is delivered by our team of BACP registered counsellors, who attend regular specialist sexual-violence training and support meetings. We provide 3 women-only days and 2 inclusive days for survivors of any gender or none. Our anonymous supportline and on-line LiveChat service runs two evenings a week, providing emotional support and information to survivors - often those waiting for counselling, or where counselling has finished, or is not suitable. Our range of support groups currently includes a monthly drop-in social and a course of wellbeing sessions. Campaigns and awareness-raising activities include the Reclaim the Night march for a safer city centre for all to enjoy, and also delivering training to help professionals recognise, support and sign-post survivors to specialist help. Our Reaching Survivors project listens to survivors within under-represented communities – such as survivors with disabilities – developing new activities, campaigns or training programmes to better meet survivors’ needs. Our strategic goals (and objectives for Goal 1) are: 1 Survivors are making progress towards recovery. A wider range of survivors of sexual violence and abuse supported by our specialist services, including women-only services, are making progress towards recovery. We will be achieving this when we are delivering a service that: ? improves survivors’ health and wellbeing ? enables more survivors to cope better with life, to be and feel safe, and ‘do’ more ? supports a wide range of survivors, including those who value a women-only space ? has a suitably skilled and resourced workforce 2 Survivors and supporters have the information and confidence to access support 3 The causes of sexual violence are challenged 4 We have the resources and knowledge we need to be effective, safe, sustainable and accountable We empower survivors to take back control of their lives, to cope, and to recover. Primarily benefitting survivors, their families, communities and employers, CSASS also provides benefit through reducing incidents of sexual violence, and impact on services such as mental health. (strategic goals, delivery plan text for 2020)
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code E06000050
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Recipient Org: Location: Name Cheshire West and Chester
Recipient Org: Web Address