Virtual Home Therapy (360G-CheshireCF-A547676)

Recipient Organization

Brainwave supports children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, whether caused by brain injury like cerebral palsy, a genetic condition like Down syndrome, autism, or general developmental delay, through the provision and promotion of specialist therapy. As the majority of our staff are now working from home, we need to have purchase more equipment for our ongoing 'virtual' support which will help the children during the next crucial stage of their developmental journeys and ensure these children with disabilities are able to get the vital therapy they need to reach their potential. We need to purchase 2 x HTC Vive Pro VR Virtual Reality Headsets @ £641 each, and one Lenovo IdeaPad S340 14" Laptop @ £549. The VIVE Pro comes with Chaperone Technology that re-creates a virtual outline of the environment, enabling you to see and feel the current surroundings without the need of removing the Head-mounted Display. With face-to-face paediatric therapy not currently feasible because of social distancing, virtual therapy sessions via video-link are the best way to continue the vital support we give to families.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 1831
Amount Awarded 3570
Award Date 2020-04-11T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01012459
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Warrington 005A
Grant Programme: Code Round 3 10-4-20
Grant Programme: Title NET Covid-19 Response Ph 1
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 2
Planned Dates: End Date 2020-06-30T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-04-01T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group Children (5 – 12)
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary ethnicity All Ethnicities
Primary issue Health, wellbeing and serious illness
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1073238
Recipient Org: Description Brainwave supports children with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, whether caused by brain injury like cerebral palsy, a genetic condition like Down syndrome, autism, or general developmental delay, through the provision and promotion of specialist therapy. The Charity guides children along their journeys towards greater independence by working to improve mobility, communication skills and learning potential. The Programme aims to develop the maximum potential of each child by taking an integrated approach to their physical and cognitive development and by enhancing a child's social skills and emotional well-being. That potential could be anything from a child walking or feeding themselves, to counting or forming sentences. Since 1982, Brainwave has worked with more than 3,200 families to deliver individual home-based Therapy and Exercise Programmes that cover physical, educational and social abilities, and offers the most benefit to younger children – we will see a child for an initial assessment from birth and up to 12 years of age. However, once a child follows a Brainwave Programme, they only leave when the family feels the time is right. The average time for a child to stay on the Programme is three years. Importantly and uniquely, our team empowers parents and carers to deliver therapy to their child at home as we believe the family home is where children respond best – with the people whose love and care is unparalleled. We work with each family to devise a unique Therapy Programme designed to suit each individual child and their family’s needs. We show parents and carers how to carry out each exercise, in what order, for how long and why. We also provide the family with a written Therapy Programme, a DVD of the exercises filmed during their visits and essential equipment that is required for the Brainwave Programme. Brainwave has three centres across the UK, our North West Centre is located in Birchwood, Warrington, and supports around 100 families. The cost to provide our full services per child per year is around £3,000.
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code E06000007
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Recipient Org: Location: Name Warrington
Recipient Org: Web Address