Get Sensory (360G-CheshireCF-A592368)


Caudwell Children work with disabled children and families to ensure they get the support and equipment they need. The project will buy 15 “Get Sensory” Packs for children in the Knutsford area, the packs will be used by families in the home who are unable to access sensory equipment at the current time and are in need of sensory items in the home to support their child. They will target children with a disability in families on low incomes. Access to equipment will help with a child's physical and mental healthcare needs, families will also be supported with online videos and support. Consultation with families shows they ‘feel more isolated than ever…it’s very difficult to keep a 16-year-old motivated when he knows he is losing range of movement because he can’t do the things he normally would’

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 2000
Amount Awarded 2000
Award Date 2021-04-03T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E06000049
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Beneficiary Location: Name Cheshire East
Grant Programme: Code 2021 1 February
Grant Programme: Title Knutsford Fund Small Grants Programme
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Primary age group Children (5 – 12)
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary ethnicity All Ethnicities
Primary issue Disability and Access issues
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1079770
Recipient Org: Description Our Vision, Mission and Motto Vision: A world where all disabled children and their families have choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding. Mission: Practical and emotional support through compassionate and efficient services. Motto: Whatever It Takes Caudwell Children wants to change the future for disabled children and their families by providing access to the services, equipment, therapies and treatments they need to lead an active life. Disabled children do not always have the same opportunities as others and their families often experience more hardship. Did you know it costs 3 times more to raise a disabled child as they grow, that 1 in 6 families with a disabled child go without food and 1 in 4 without heating? If you believe in a world where disabled children and their families have choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding, then we are the best charity to create that world. We currently provide family support services, ensuring that we are at the end of the phone when a family or child needs us most, reacting to the needs of our families to ensure that we can pass on current valuable information to ensure they feel supported. It can be difficult for a family to work together, even without the added pressure of a global pandemic and a disabled child who needs extra care, we hope to lessen the strains a family feels at this time spend quality time by creating activity packs which post out to parents who are struggling to find things to do with their children. We provide life changing equipment to children so that children can play outside like other young people. Here at The Caudwell International Children's Centre based at Keele University we provide the most up to date treatments and diagnosis for children who are suspected as being on the autistic spectrum, we can provide these services in 28 days so that families get the answers they have been so desperately looking for elsewhere. Providing short breaks to our families has been a lifeline during the current pandemic and rather than stopping our face to face programme we have delivered these services digitally, to allow children some away time from family giving them an opportunity to be by themselves in the company of others. We are constantly looking for ways to enhance the lives of the children we support and noticed that as children with Autism move from school into adulthood there is a distinct lack of training and education that allows them to enter the workplace and therefore developed a digital skills programme with many successful young people moving on to college or work placements. We also believe in giving Volunteers the opportunity to gain skills and contributing to society at the same time and currently deliver a warm homes project ensuring that families with disabled children get the warmth and support they need, the finical advice and the continued support over the winter months. We change the lives of the families we work with.
Recipient Org: Web Address