Grant to Stick 'n' Step (360G-CheshireCF-A609807)

Recipient Organization

Grant to Stick 'n' Step

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 250
Amount Awarded 250
Award Date 2021-12-08T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E06000050
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Beneficiary Location: Name Cheshire West and Chester
Grant Programme: Code 2021 1 July
Grant Programme: Title Annual Awards for Excellence
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary issue Disability and Access issues
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1136997
Recipient Org: Company Number 7257957
Recipient Org: Description Stick ‘n’ Step enables, inspires and supports children and young adults with cerebral palsy (a neurological condition affecting muscle control and coordination, reflexes, posture and balance) to reach their full potential in terms of mobility, confidence and independence. We provide free weekly conductive education (CE) sessions, which incorporates play, exercises and music into structured routines. It is a highly specialised and innovative programme, which looks at the whole person; delivering activities aimed at improving motor skills as well as supporting social emotional development. Children work towards realistic personalised goals to become more mobile and learn key life skills, including dressing/undressing, self-feeding, transferring from a wheelchair to a chair or sofa, and fine motor skills, like picking up objects and using a pen. Children are empowered and motivated to achieve their personal goals by joining sessions along with their peers. Working in a group environment promotes social skills and a sense of community for the children and their families. Regular attendance means that family members can meet others in a similar situation and can benefit from respite time. A support network for families helps them cope better with the challenges of caring for a disabled child, which can then contribute to improvements in their own physical and mental health, as well as that of their child. We believe that CE has a lot to offer all age groups. CE aims to underpin inclusion and ensure that any barriers faced by young people with cerebral palsy doesn’t result in reduced academic or career opportunities. Our programme raises the aspirations of disabled children, young people and their families, by focusing on what the child can do and not on what they can’t do. We aim to motivate Stick ‘n’ Step attendees to grow and develop in ways that they might otherwise have felt were unattainable. Some Stick ‘n’ Step attendees have grown up within our programme, with some young adults attending for over 20 years. As we provide ongoing support for service users on their journey from early childhood to becoming young adults, we equip them with the necessary skills to lead a lifestyle which opens new opportunities for social equality. The sessions take place in an enriching and positive environment, where service users feel safe and supported. Sessions are delivered by highly skilled professionals, called ‘Conductors’, in our two specialist centres in Wallasey and Runcorn. Our staff are supported by a team of volunteers. Safeguarding policies are in place to protect the people who access our services as well as our staff and volunteers. Service users join Stick ‘n’ Step via a referral from their GP/physiotherapist or as a self-referral. Most self-referrals are from a recommendation by a family of a child we are already supporting. We are currently working to improve the referral system by building a network of NHS professionals through our charity partners (e.g. Alder Hey Children’s Charity, Koala North West) to ensure babies and children with cerebral palsy are signposted to our services at the earliest possible opportunity.
Recipient Org: Web Address