Tackling the use of Loan Sharks in the community (360G-CheshireCF-A612960)

This innovative, community engagement project will address the issues surrounding loan sharks, by creating a documentary-drama (using real life stories) to be performed in community settings and put an early intervention in which will direct people away from loan sharks and towards solutions which will help create safe and secure futures.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 2000
Amount Awarded 2000
Award Date 2021-07-10T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E06000049
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Beneficiary Location: Name Cheshire East
Grant Programme: Code 2021 5 September
Grant Programme: Title CCF - Small Grants Programme
Impact Category Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
Primary age group All Ages
Primary beneficiary People living in poverty
Primary ethnicity White
Primary issue Poverty and disadvantage
Recipient Org: Charity Number 253242
Recipient Org: Description The New Vic Theatre is a nationally recognised arts organisation & thriving charity. Aiming to increase access to theatre & to theatre -making & use theatre to make positive change within our community. Our work has gained a reputation, modelling ways that theatre can be used to work with communities, marginalised & vulnerable people. Involving participatory drama, storytelling & workshops to deliver life-changing work & tackle difficult issues with hard to reach people. We work with young people in pre-school and family settings and with every age group, including people in the 80-90 plus age group. We aim to provide purposeful activities, which draw out confidence in group members and lead to more fulfilling lives. The New Vic’s outreach department, Borderlines, is dedicated to working within communities to reduce social isolation and exclusion through engaging with hard to reach young people, families and communities pushed to or existing on the margins of society. We have a team of highly experienced community practitioners skilled in working with diverse groups on contentious/difficult issues. Our work has received national awards including two global ethics awards for community cohesion; British Crime Concern Award for reducing criminal behaviour. Our docu-drama All Our Daughters? was launched from Westminster. It was described as ‘saving lives’ by Nazir Afzal. Our work has been cited by Ipsos MORI as ‘best practise in outreach’. We recognise that to make a genuine difference we need to build relationships and take our work into the community reaching out and being accessible, delivering activity where it has the greatest impact. In 2019/20 New Vic Borderlines reached nearly 10,500 people including 7900 children and young people. Through a range of workshops and performances we have delivered 269 sessions. Our projects have seen us partner with a number of local regional and national organisations who have been instrumental in making our work powerful and relevant, bringing creative uplifting activities into communities across Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire; providing important opportunities for young people to discover their own talents and creativity; using theatre and art to build stronger and more cohesive communities. The work raises hope and aspiration and plays an important part in place-making’ and building a sense of civic pride in our local areas.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.newvictheatre.org.uk