Memory Makers: Support for Independent Visiting in Warrington (360G-CheshireCF-A618101)

Recipient Organization

Grant to NYAS

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 2640
Amount Awarded 2640
Award Date 2021-09-12T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01033302
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Warrington 018G
Grant Programme: Code 2021 Round 1 Improving Outcomes in Deprived Neighbourhoods
Grant Programme: Title Improving Outcomes in Deprived Neighbourhoods
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary issue Mental health
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1012485
Recipient Org: Company Number 2722134
Recipient Org: Description At NYAS we’re on a mission to improve the lives of care experienced children and young people, working to ensure they feel safe, heard, and involved in decisions being made about their lives. NYAS is a leading rights-based charity serving care experienced children and young people across England and Wales. Advocacy is at the heart of what we do, and over the course of our 40 year history we have broadened the scope of our services to include activities that support children directly (e.g. befriending, legal representation, return interviews, mental health advocacy and project based work), and indirectly such as inspection of children’s homes and training for professionals. Connecting all these services we have a national, free to call helpline which receives over 20,000 contacts a year, resulting in 11,540 new advocacy cases in 2019/20. These services help to ensure that we can be there, whenever a child or young person in care needs us. Our founder, Social Worker Judith Timms OBE, has always been a driving force for change, playing an instrumental part in lobbying for the Children’s Act 1989 and many other pieces of legislation that followed. NYAS continues this today and we will never stop in our efforts to influence, lobby and campaign to bring about positive changes and ensure children’s and young people’s rights are upheld. Our main objective is to improve the lives of care-experienced and other vulnerable children and young people, working to ensure they feel safe, have the opportunity to share their wishes and feelings about what is happening to them, are involved when decisions being made about them, and they get the help and support they need. We listen to what children and young people care about and what they have to say; empowering them to get their voices heard. We ensure their wishes and feelings are shared and acted upon to improve their situation and help them build a better future. We recently agreed our strategic plan for 2021 – 2024, which will focus on four main objectives, championing rights, influencing change, working collaboratively and inspiring trust. Each objective comes with a series of goals, for example, we aim to increase young people’s awareness of their rights by providing more accessible platforms. This funding would support our Independent Visiting (IV) programme which is a befriending service where children in care are carefully matched with a dedicated adult volunteer with similar interests. IVs are local volunteers who make a long-term commitment to supporting just one child at a time, meeting them regularly outside of their care setting, encouraging their interests, promoting good social and emotional development, and supporting their educational and cultural needs. The programme aims to increase the children’s skills, encourage them in their hobbies and personal development, shaping the people they become. This programme is young-person led, with each young person made aware of their budget so that they can plan how this is spent with their volunteer.
Recipient Org: Web Address