Grant to GASPED (360G-LeedCF-A552790)

Recipient Organization

Grant to GASPED

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 9910
Amount Awarded 9910
Award Date 2020-04-20T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01011920
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Wakefield 019A
Grant Programme: Code 2020 April
Grant Programme: Title Resilience Fund Wakefield
Last Modified 2020-11-13T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: End Date 2020-07-31T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1072174
Recipient Org: Company Number 03580793
Recipient Org: Description GASPED is a voluntary organisation and a registered charity that was established in September 1995. GASPED offers information, advice, help and support for the parents, partners, families and carers who care for or are affected by a loved ones drug and/ or alcohol use. The service was created as a result of one parent's expereince of living, caring and supporting her son who was addicted to drugs. GASPED aims to make a difference to the lives of those we support by providing a holistic service to meet the individual needs of our beneficiaries. The servives GASPED offers include:- a 24 hour confidential helpline, drop in service, one to one information sessions, counselling (individual, couple, family and bereavement), complementary therapies, respite and family and carer community based support groups and much more. GASPED works with local, regional and national organisations in particular local Primary Care Trusts, drug action teams, community safety partnerships, government offices and the national treatment agency, adfam and other family and carer organisations, local treatment agencies and other service providers (voluntary and statutory sector) to ensure that the views and needs of parents / carers are taken into account in service design and delivery. The emotional pressures of living with a drug user/ alcohol user can be immense. Sometimes the feelings can be overwhelming. At GASPED we understand the pain, frustation, fear, desperation, shame and guilt that are all part of the nightmare scenario of loving someone whose drug/ alcohol taking in having a serious impact, not only on themselves but on those around them. GASPED's overall objective is to increase the health and well being of our clients so that they become empowered to take control of their own lives and begin to shape the services that they feel they need. GASPED brings people in from that marginalised place, no longer as victoms but as empowered, confident and assured people. From one parents need to talk to other parent's GASPED has grown from a local support group and support line to a service which now takes a holistic appraoch to meeting the needs of its clients base not only in Wakefield, but also in Kirklees.
Recipient Org: Postal Code WF12SD
Recipient Org: Web Address