Grant to Wakefield District Sight Aid (360G-LeedCF-A554153)


Grant to Wakefield District Sight Aid

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 10000
Amount Awarded 10000
Award Date 2020-04-24T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01011897
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Wakefield 008E
Grant Programme: Code 2020 April
Grant Programme: Title Resilience Fund Wakefield
Last Modified 2020-11-13T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: End Date 2020-07-31T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1140483
Recipient Org: Company Number 07432897
Recipient Org: Description We provide support to visually impaired people resident in Wakefield District. We are the only providing such service. We depend almost wholly on donations, but have a small Contract with the WMDC for provision of Assessments and delivery of Council safety equipment to users. Through home visits we bring equipment, information, advice, liaison, and assistance in obtaining other Benefits (such as Attendance Allowance and Blind Persons Allowance, Disabled Car Badge and Bus Pass) to people suffering sight loss. We provide a quarterly Newsletter, bringing advice and information to our users. Where resources allow, we hold Demonstration Events” where users and carers can see a wide range of specialist equipment, try it out, and order it if they wish. We assist with purchase, provision, set up and maintenance of equipment such as talking clocks and watches. We provide a Resource Centre at our Registered Office at Parkside, where equipment is available for trial and order, and where information and advice is available 4 mornings per week. We provide a help line during these times for users to phone for information and support. We are the local administrators for the RNIB Talking Book Service, and the British Wireless for the Blind equipment, which we co-ordinate on behalf of WMDC. We provide help in enabling users to negotiate through he sometimes complex systems of |Health and Social Care, to obtain the necessary eye care support. We work closely with colleagues in the Council’s Sensory Impairment Team, other local and National Voluntary Organisations such as Guide Dogs, Macular Disease Society, and Wakefield Talking Newspapers, and we receive helpful support from the Prison Braille Unit, and from Wakefield Libraries Audio Book service.
Recipient Org: Postal Code WF12PN
Recipient Org: Web Address