FAAWN with supplies for food banks and community larders (360G-NCF-A716358)


To support Food Aid Alliacance West Northamptonshire (FAAWN) with supplies for food banks and community larders.

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This data was originally published by Northamptonshire Community Foundation. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 199913.34
Amount Awarded 199913.34
Award Date 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Grant Programme: Code November 2023
Grant Programme: Title HSF4 - Food Aid
Last Modified 2023-12-06T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1015743
Recipient Org: Company Number 02768301
Recipient Org: Description We address poverty in its most acute forms - homelessness and exclusion - through offering a range of services to help people engage with society and to get training and skills to enter work. To do so we help people overcome the barriers to their re-engagement: lack of skills, confidence, self-esteem, hunger, clothes, companionship, housing, drugs, alcohol and mental health. In our core day centre we offer vital services, like food, clothes and washing, to destitute people, helping them keep away from crime and exposure to temptations of drugs and drink; we help keep them off the street five hours a day and engage them in activities that will help them to move away from anti-social lifestyle and by doing so, protect both them, and society, from harm. Our services are preventative in that we help at risk people steer away from future criminal and anti-social lifestyles. We help people overcome the demons that drive them to act as nuisance to the community, and help them find peace, a purpose, direction, and self-respect. Our social enterprise provides practical services like training, work experience and actual jobs to help people avoid engagement in crime and ASB. We are bidding for this.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.northamptonhopecentre.org.uk/