Abundant Borders Open Space (360G-SCVO-a0g0N00001gBLUhQAO)

Funding will allow Abundant Borders to work in partnership with Open Space to grow food on an allotment space in Eyemouth. The Open Space project was created by a group of individuals recovering from and/or living with, a range of mental health issues. Group members are unemployed, experience social isolation and exclusion, have low confidence and self-esteem. The project was initially supported by Scottish Borders Council but, with continued cuts to services, they are no longer able to dedicate staff time to the project. Open Space members are keen that the project continues and want to be able to continue to grow food for themselves, their families and for other community projects. However, when people are facing complex challenges in their lives because of dealing with mental health issues, it is not reasonable to expect them to be able to create a food garden and grow their own food without support. One member of the Open Space group is a graduate of Abundant Borders training courses and another was a nurseryman, specialising in growing and nurturing trees and bushes, so we believe that there is enough expertise within the community to be able to create a successful food garden. What is needed is short-term support to re-start the project. Open Space members contacted Abundant Borders and we would like funding to work with them, to support existing volunteers, build the pool of volunteers, teach people how to grow food, help people to become more resilient and work towards making the project sustainable. Abundant Borders was incorporated as a charity in November 2016. Since then we: • received funding from Scottish Government Good Food Nation, Postcode Community Trust and Awards for All, which has allowed us to run formal training courses and purchase plants and equipment needed to create Community Food Gardens. • provided formal training to 12 people in Eyemouth, who each completed a 10-week foundation course in sustainable growing. Two graduates regularly participate in community food garden events, three have taken their learnings back home and are growing food in their own garden spaces, one has gone on to further education, one has started their own small business and one volunteers with Connect Youth Allotments. • provided formal training to 15 people in Hawick, who each completed a 10-week foundation course in permaculture and sustainable growing. One participant from the course (previously unemployed) has now been engaged by Abundant Borders as Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Hawick community food garden, eight continue to volunteer at the community food garden and one manages a partner project at Burnfoot Community Hub. • created a community food garden on land provided by Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) in Ayton. This food garden is now self-managed; six members of the local community work there on a regular basis. The garden also attracts visitors and occasional volunteers from the community. Good links have been established with the neighbouring businesses, Ayton Primary School and Eyemouth High School. Participants from the sustainable growing course, which was based from this site, continue to be involved in monthly volunteering days. These individuals were previously isolated, and the garden has given them a way back into the community. • created a community food garden on land behind the Salvation Army Community Store, High Street, Hawick. Ten participants from the sustainable growing course, which was based from this site, continue to be involved in twice-weekly volunteering sessions, with one now engaged as volunteer co-ordinator. • designed and built raised beds at Linkim Court, a sheltered housing complex in Eyemouth to give residents access to herbs and salads as well as creating a pleasant seating area. • provided ongoing support and volunteering opportunities to course participants. One participant from Eyemouth growing and cooking course and one from the Hawick growing course now sit on our board of trustees. We feel that the experience we have of working with individuals and groups in our community, to teach practical skills in growing food and to support the establishment of sustainable food growing projects gives us confidence that this partnership project with Open Space can lead to the creation of a successful, sustainable food growing project.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 5000
Amount Awarded 5000
Award Date 2018-10-31
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S03000004
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S13002767
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S14000008
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type CCG
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type WD
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type WPC
Beneficiary Location: Latitude 55.837984
Beneficiary Location: Longitude -2.195024
Data Source https://scvo.scot/funding/data/archive/community-capacity-resilience-fund.json
From An Open Call? Yes
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Policy
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address http://scvo.scot
Grant Programme: Code scvo-ccrf-r4-strand-3
Grant Programme: Description Funding to help local voluntary sector groups and organisations across Scotland tackle poverty and mitigate against UK government welfare changes.
Grant Programme: Title Community Capacity & Resilience Fund - R4 Strand 3
Grant Programme: URL https://scvo.scot/funding/community-capacity-resilience-fund
Last Modified 2018-12-24T10:12:09+00:00
Planned Dates: End Date 2019-10-31
Planned Dates: Last Modified 2018-12-24T10:12:09+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2019-02-01
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC049008
Recipient Org: City Reston
Recipient Org: Country Scotland
Recipient Org: County Eyemouth
Recipient Org: Description Abundant Borders works within our community to create a network of community food gardens across the Scottish Borders. These gardens act as a training base for people to learn how to grow their own food in a sustainable way and then how to turn that food into healthy, inexpensive meals. Our aim is that everyone, regardless of personal circumstances, should have access to food. That is a bold mission, but over the past two years we have been able to achieve much more. We believe that we have developed a model which has the power to transform the lives of individuals and communities. Our charitable purpose is “the relief of poverty through the development of skills, including but not restricted to, food growing, preservation and cooking” but what we also do is restore an element of control to the lives of people in need of a little extra help.
Recipient Org: Location: Country Code GB
Recipient Org: Location: Country Code GB
Recipient Org: Location: Country Code GB
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code S03000004
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code S13002767
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code S14000008
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type CCG
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type WD
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type WPC
Recipient Org: Location: Latitude 55.837984
Recipient Org: Location: Longitude -2.195024
Recipient Org: Postal Code TD14 5LU
Recipient Org: Street Address 1 Berrybank Farm Cottages
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.abundantborders.org.uk