The Ormlie Hub (360G-SCVO-a133z00000LRaLRAA1)

At present our service/community centre is only open on weekdays. This funding would enable us to open at the weekend. This is what is needed for the community and people we support. Funding would allow us to expand our service delivery and pilot a new innovative creative project within a warm safe hub at the weekends. We would provide a warm lunch; soup and sandwich at a small cost. We receive donations from our local Lidl, some of these donations could be used towards making healthy lunches. The Community Centre has 3 rooms which are warm and offer a variety of opportunities. Attendees would have access to free Wi-Fi, digital devices to ‘surf’ their social media accounts, online shop and/or order medication etc., play pool, darts, board games, benefit from our garden with fresh veg and develop gardening skills if they wish. We also have a quiet area, where someone might wish to sit and chill/read but know there are people nearby if they wished company. We would encourage participation from the service users to create the food menu and make the lunches. To involve partners, we will have discussions with all the partners we are already working closely with, NHS, Health Visitors, Housing, Mental Health teams, Social Work, DWP and 3rd sector agencies; Citizens Advice Bureau, Caithness Voluntary Group, Caithness Klics, Care and Learning Alliance, Thurso Youth Club, Fisherman’s Mission and Connecting Carers are a few of the organisations we work closely with. Through consultations and face to face discussions we would seek their views, but most importantly we would seek the views of the people wishing to attend. All plans for the pilot project would be created around the identified needs and wishes of the planned attendees. We will create posters to distribute through statutory and 3rd sector agencies also Schools (they share all our group information through class DOJO). Also share our information/posters to our FB page and other social media pages Here for Caithness, Thurso Community page and Caithness Voluntary Group who have a huge digital mailing list. This enables us to reach a wider audience. This e3xciting project would help when tackling poverty and social inequality, as the attendees could save on energy costs for their home for the period they attend groups. We would support the attendees to access Benefit entitlement sites to ensure they are receiving their full benefits, share with them all new and relevant advice and benefit information received from Housing, DWP and other agencies. We are a referrer to our local Food bank. Encourage people to engage with CAB who have expertise in accessing energy grants and financial support. People already have weekday access to the donations we receive from our local Lidl to open at the weekend would enable us to provide a 7-day access. All of the above is to assist and support people of all ages and abilities to manage the inequality they are experiencing.

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This data was originally published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 16000
Amount Awarded 16000
Award Date 2022-09-21
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000017
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Name Highland
Data Source
From An Open Call? Yes
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Funding
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address
Grant Programme: Code scvo-community-capacity-and-resilience-fund-2022
Grant Programme: Description The fund is provided by Scottish Government and managed by SCVO. The main objective of the fund is to provide up to 2 years funding to community-based voluntary organisations enabling them to:• Pilot small innovative and creative projects, increasing capacity to deliver core services tackling poverty and social inequality.• Use the funding to scale up pilot projects to attract more risk-averse grant funding to sustain the work going forward.• Encouraging applications for up to £8,000 per annum for 2 years. Eligibility CriteriaThis fund is for community-based organisations with an income of less than £200,000 in their last financial year. Organisations must be based in Scotland and delivering services in Scotland. Types of organisations that can apply include: • Charities• Voluntary Organisations• Social Enterprises• Community Organisations• Volunteering Bodies• Credit Unions• Housing Associations• Community Interest Companies (CICs) – if there is an asset lock in place• Charitable Trusts (if set up by a Local Authority the trust must be fully independent from it)• Community Enterprise TrustsYour organisation must be part of a regulated body eg, registered with OSCR. Where this is not the case you must be able to provide us with a reference from a regulated organisation that knows you well but is independent of you, for instance a partner you work with in the community.Please log-in to download and read the guidelines for full information on the fund, including FAQs and a Word template of the form to help you prepare, before starting your application.
Grant Programme: Title Community, Capacity and Resilience Fund 2022
Grant Programme: URL
Last Modified 2024-01-17T09:21:44+00:00