Community Learning and Development Device Fund 2023 (360G-SCVO-a13N2000002KUf8IAG)

Recipient Organization

We are successfully running a Tech Drop In which allows young people to learn and experience various forms of technology on a weekly basis. The response to this project has been tremendous and we are oversubscribed every week. We would like to expand our provision in order to meet the demand for access to these devices. By acquiring more devices, we will be able to cater to more individuals and offer a wider variety of activities that enhance what young people are able to come and take part in. Tech Drop In Expansion:Young people are able to attend weekly and access professional equipment and software enabling them to learn about programming, Graphic Design, photography, film production, 3D modelling, laser cutting & engraving and merchandise printing. CLD Devices fund would allow us to expand provision so that we can add sound editing and music production to the list of services we offer. we would also aim to add programmable drones so that young people can take part in digital activities outdoors as well which will make digital learning more diverse. Employability & Digital Literacy Support:Even though we are very passionate about STEM learning and offer a wide range of services in that regard, we do not neglect the simple needs of young people which still require access to devices. We will be offering job search support; CV Creation; access and support to online courses; basic computer literacy support. We aim to ensure young people have as much access as they require to our full range of laptops and tablets. STEM Girls:We are tackling the gender disparity in the Scotland digital industry by creating a space where disadvantaged young girls can have fair & safe access to STEM education, practical skills development, confidence-building, and more. We will have sessions which are 'Girls Only' so that they can access our devices and learn without feeling intimidated or inferior to the boys who can often outnumber them in our Tech Drop Ins. Innovation Suite at the Y Centre:In December 2023 we will be moving into a brand new state-of-the-art Youth Centre. Construction will be complete this year and the new Multimedia Suite that will be the home of all our Digital Devices. We would like it to be a place where young people can meet each and every one of their digital learning needs and desires. We would like to offer a 'Farmbot' (, which will be a raised plant bed operated by a programmable machine. This will be a way for young people to learn programming as well as grow sustainable foods and learn about the environment. You can find out more about our new Centre here: Support:We have trained staff and volunteers available to help young people access and learn from every device we have on offer. We have extensive experience in delivering STEM learning support and continuously upskill our staff and volunteers with up to date training.

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This data was originally published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 9899
Amount Awarded 1699
Award Date 2023-10-25
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000042
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000048
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Name Dundee
Beneficiary Location: Name Perth and Kinross
Data Source
From An Open Call? Yes
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Funding
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address
Grant Programme: Code scvo-community-learning-and-development-device-fund-2023
Grant Programme: Description The Community Learning and Development Device Fund is provided by the Scottish Government and managed by SCVO. The objective of the fund is to provide capital funding to CLD organisations across Scotland to purchase digital devices that can be used by learners to support their learning. Organisations must retain ownership of the devices for their lifetime and be responsible for set-up, ongoing management and security of devices. This fund is for community-based organisations. Organisations must be based in Scotland and delivering community learning and development services in Scotland. Your organisation must have been delivering services for at least 1 year. Types of organisations that can apply include: • Charities registered with OSCR• Voluntary Organisations• Social Enterprises• Credit Unions• Community Interest Companies (CICs) – if there is an asset lock in place• Charitable Trusts (if set up by a Local Authority the trust must be fully independent from it)• Community Enterprise TrustsEach organisation can apply for a grant of up to £15,000 to be used solely for the purchase of digital devices. Digital devices must be used by learners to support them in their learning. Ownership of devices must be retained by the applying organisation for their lifetime. * Please SIGN UP or LOGIN to this website to view full fund criteria and application support below*Click the files below to view or download all supporting documents - we recommend you read through these before applying and if you have any questions please contact our team on
Grant Programme: Title Community Learning and Development Device Fund 2023
Grant Programme: URL
Last Modified 2024-02-29T15:04:17+00:00