CSPB-4 (360G-SCVO-a13N200000BjMNpIAN)

Recipient Organization

The project will be delivered in the brand-new Y Innovate Multimedia Suite. This is located within the Y Centre, a state-of-the-art Youth Centre for Perth and Kinross. Delivery will also happen within the Famous Grouse Idea Centre in Partnership with Culture PK. Both are Maker Spaces which serve the wider community in Perth and Kinross. We will also be taking devices into access deprived areas to ensure rural young people also get a chance to use the equipment. Delivery Structure & Existing Support:We will be opening our Y Innovate suite during the week for young people to come in and make use of the devices we offer along with the support of our staff and volunteers. Our team is trained in various fields such as: Digital Inclusion Support; Essential Skills for Digital Champions; Internet Safety; Video Editing; Graphic Art and Design; Sound Editing; Web Development; Programming; 3D modelling and much more. Young people who access our services will have support to gain valuable unique skills in a variety of fields that would otherwise not be available to them outside of further education or employment. We offer access to a multitude of different devices which ensure that Young people have access to industry standard equipment in order for them to create real aspirations to following careers in the tech industry. Our partnership with Culture PK enhances the resources and expertise we have in order to support people accessing the project. Equipping a Community Hub:YMCA Tayside is the leading digital youth work provider in Perth and Kinross. The Y Innovate suite aspires to be the leading location for digital youth work. Our Aim is for it to be a safe, welcoming space that is accessible to all. Whilst we have many devices for the community to use, there are gaps in our provision that we wish to fill. By equipping our suite with the remaining devices needed we will be able to cater to any young person no matter what their digital need is. It will allow us to have equipment that caters to young people with physical disabilities. Our suite will be wheelchair accessible and the furniture we have will also support this. We aim to have accessible input devices for those who have physical disabilities as well. Provision of ‘assistive technology’ to help people with disabilities is a new avenue we are embarking on and one that there is very little provision for in Perth and Kinross. Improving Connectivity Infrastructure:Although we have a brand-new centre and access to internet we are still to install a full high-quality Wi-Fi mesh network for our service users. We aim to provide a safe protected network for young people, partner organisation professionals and staff to use throughout the building. Although we have moved into our new centre, it is still in the final stages of development, and changes in costs due to unforeseen circumstances has meant we need to find funding for the installation of this new network to replace our existing temporary solution. We will be seeking a professional IT company to support us with the configuration of the network. A professional network installation will greatly improve our connectivity infrastructure and enable us to be a safe accessible space for young people and members of the public.Partners:In both cases above, the wider reach of our project is that by equipping our new Hub you also equip us to improve the device provision and connectivity of our partner organisations. In partnering with Culture PK we have ensured that the equipment we off and what they offer does not overlap so that we are providing the broadest access to devices. Furthermore, when our hub is not available, we will support people access Culture Pk’s maker Space. We will be also taking our devices into rural areas.

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This data was originally published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 28797
Amount Awarded 28797
Award Date 2024-05-17
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000048
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type S12
Beneficiary Location: Name Perth and Kinross
Data Source https://scvo.scot/funding/data/a11N2000001amFFIAY/connecting-scotland-place-based-digital-inclusion-fund.json
From An Open Call? No
Funding Org: Charity Number SC003558
Funding Org: City Edinburgh
Funding Org: Country Scotland
Funding Org: County City of Edinburgh
Funding Org: Department Funding
Funding Org: Description The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises.
Funding Org: Location: Latitude 55.959611
Funding Org: Location: Longitude -3.190946
Funding Org: Postal Code EH3 6BB
Funding Org: Street Address Mansfield Traquair, 15 Mansfield Place
Funding Org: Web Address https://scvo.scot
Grant Programme: Code scvo-connecting-scotland-place-based-digital-inclusion-fund
Grant Programme: Description The objective of this project is to provide devices and/or connectivity to partnerships working within communities across Scotland to address digital exclusion. There are three opportunities within this fund for devices and/or connectivity to support people who are experiencing digital exclusion: • To form a new lending library • To be part of a community hub where devices and connectivity are available • A larger improvement project for connectivity infrastructure in community hubs. We want to support place based partnerships accessed by people who fall into at least one of the following categories: • over 65 • on a low household income • living with a long-term illness or disability • people who are the victims of crime or abuse • unemployed • families • people who are homelessPeople who meet these criteria may include families, single parents, care leavers, people affected by homelessness, people from ethnic minority communities and other groups which experience digital exclusion. This is not an exhaustive list.This project is for voluntary and public sector organisations working in partnership to tackle digital exclusion. We are looking to fund partnerships which are already delivering digital inclusion work but who lack the resource and supporting infrastructure. Partnerships must retain ownership of the devices for their lifetime and be responsible for set-up, ongoing management and security of devices.Partnerships must be based in Scotland and deliver their support services in Scotland.Partnerships can apply for one or more of the activities below, up to a total value of £40,000: • devices and mobile connectivity to lend to digitally excluded people they work with for short-term use (up to 6 months) • devices and connectivity to kit out community access spaces or hubs • capital financial support to fund connectivity and/or infrastructure improvements in community hubs.FOR FULL FUND CRITERIA AND TEMPLATE APPLICATION WITH GUIDANCE PLEASE LOGIN OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT AND DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENTS WHICH WILL BE AVAILABLE BELOW ON LOGIN.
Grant Programme: Title Connecting Scotland - Place Based Digital Inclusion Fund
Grant Programme: URL https://scvo.scot/funding
Last Modified 2024-06-10T16:18:47+00:00