Running creative sessions for young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Taunton (360G-SomersetCF-A660440)

Recipient Organization

Grant to Actiontrack

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 4800
Amount Awarded 4800
Award Date 2022-10-10T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01029299
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Taunton Deane 007E
Grant Programme: Code 2022/23 Main Grants Q2
Grant Programme: Title Grants to Groups
Last Modified 2022-11-09T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 8
Planned Dates: End Date 2023-08-08T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1089757
Recipient Org: Company Number 04187342
Recipient Org: Description Actiontrack’s mission is to use the power of music to change lives and build communities. Our vision is that everyone can benefit from the positive personal and community effects of participatory music making. We bring together the most talented artists regionally, nationally and internationally to work with marginalised and isolated communities to make new music, change lives and create new futures. For over 30 years Actiontrack has used music participation to develop skills, talent, reduce isolation, improve mental health and wellbeing and to forge new connections between communities. We work collaboratively with health, education and community partners, local authorities and public services to reach those who do not normally engage in the arts. Partnership working is the cornerstone of our practice and we approach this with a commitment to reaching the widest possible communities, mixing them with inspirational and skilled creatives. We are equally at home working with smaller groups or larger partners to develop workshop, educational and social regeneration programmes. Our approach is ethical, collaborative and asset based: we enable communities to work together to overcome the challenges they face and to use creativity to articulate their present and future aspirations. We do not impose projects, activities or artists on people or communities, we identify the talent, creativity and culture that already exists to inspire people to use these talents as a force for positive change. The creative results of this work have ranged from Community Albums written and performed by young people and adults living in given locations (West Somerset, The Parrett Trail), to site specific celebrations of local history (The Story of the Stone (Wellington Monument); Ham Hill Stories (a heritage project celebrating the unique micro-fossils there) to large-scale community operas involving intergenerational casts (The Floodgates, Whiteball Tunnel). These events bring communities together to celebrate their diverse heritage and identity. All of our participants report an improvement in their personal wellbeing and skills, such as team work, communication, creativity; they also report a greater understanding of the world around them. Many participants become part of the Actiontrack community, a supportive network that builds strength and resilience amongst people and within communities. We are well networked across the South West. Most recently we delivered, Spreading the Work, a project that augmented participatory theatre and music provision in Burnham, Minehead, Axminster. It provided participatory theatre and music residencies for local people and intensive professional development activities for local artists. It enabled us to make new links and strengthen existing networks between places, spaces and people, building local participants’ skills, confidence, self-esteem and capacity for identifying creative solutions to local issues. We receive regular support from the local authorities, Youth Justice Teams, Arts Council England and Youth Music. We operate a robust payment policy overseen by Trustees, ensuring that all projects run on budget.
Recipient Org: Web Address