Covid19 (360G-TwoRidingsCF-A555542)

Recipient Organization

Snappy continue to operate during the crisis and have offered places to Key worker Children and Young people and vulnerable families. Funding would pay for extra staff, PPE, and develop a sensory garden, music workshops and many 'take-your-mind-off' games and events for these children. Children and Young people can see friends, be with trusted adults and have access to specialist equipment. Snappy continue to operate over Saturdays, half term and the six weeks of summer, increasing to six days each week to accommodate all the Children and Young people.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 10000
Award Date 2020-05-07T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01013368
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name York 010B
Data Source
Grant Programme: Code Been to Panel
Grant Programme: Title Coronavirus Community Fund - Large Grants
Primary age group Children (5 – 12)
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary ethnicity White British
Recipient Org: Charity Number 702190.0
Recipient Org: Description Snappy is a registered Charity , working with Children and Young People with wide ranging disabilities . We have been established in York for 35 years ( Birthday 1st June ) and now support almost three hundred families . We operate schemes and projects in all school holidays , weekends and some evenings . In addition Snappy also offer an outreach programme to families who may struggle in term time . This can involve , babysitting, taking a child or young person out for a day or just being there for support . The Trust is managed by a voluntary board of Trustees , with a service Manager responsible for the day to day operational management . The Service manager is supported by a team of sessional staff who will oversee a bank of approximately 100 volunteers . We are governed by Ofsted , receiving Good and Outstanding in all of our inspections and work with Local authority to attend review meetings and training for staff and volunteers . We work closely with similar partners in York including , Accessible Arts , Biomation , GoGet Cycling, Gym Club, police and sign workshops . As we reach our 35th birthday with pride we continue to offer a safe , exciting and varied experience for our Children , young people and their families .
Recipient Org: Web Address