Running Costs (360G-TwoRidingsCF-A635185)

Funding towards IT, overheads and utilities to continue running service for people in mental distress.

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This data was originally published by Two Ridings Community Foundation. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 5000
Amount Awarded 3000
Award Date 2022-05-17T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01027678
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Harrogate 015E
Grant Programme: Code 2022-1
Grant Programme: Title The Local Fund Harrogate District
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1173716
Recipient Org: Description Samaritans Harrogate support callers who are in distress and despair up to and including suicide. Our volunteers took 22018 calls and responded to 2295 emails in 2020/1. The newest service has already seen us reply and engage with over 200 Online Chats. We have around 120 volunteers, all unpaid who give up their time to listen to callers when they need us the most. These volunteers also run the branch in various capacities from Branch Director to Branch Secretary and Minutes Secretary - all on a voluntary basis. We are an active part of our local community. We have our own Outreach Team, Rural Initiative and Fundraising Team. As part of that we attend events at the local railways station, sporting events like local rugby matches and recently the Great Yorkshire Show and Harrogate College. All of this is to raise awareness of the service we offer which is 24/7, confidential and non-judgmental for people to talk to us if they feel they are struggling with their feelings. We also have a Prison Team who support and provide training to prisoners who go on to listen to other prisoners to help improve mental health and reduce the risk of suicide in prison and after release. We receive no funds to run our branch and raise these ourselves annually from grants, donations, events and bids, to get to the £35000 a year we need in order to cover our annual running costs. At Samaritans it is our vision that fewer people due by suicide. This is why we provide a free, confidential and non judgemental service 24/7 over the phone, email and live chat to those callers who feel in distress and despair. Our organisation is run by unpaid volunteers who give up their time to listen to those who need us at the time they need us the most. Our volunteers are highly trained and come from a diverse range of backgrounds which is what makes Samaritans such a unique organisation. Over the past 12 months we have seen an unprecedented demand for our free and confidential services while people have been dealing with the uncertainty and constraints of lockdown that has left them socially isolated and unclear about the future. While we are primarily a listening service we do visit schools, local businesses and other local charities. The work we do outside of the branch environment is vital to raise awareness that we are there for everyone who might need us at any point in their lives. As a volunteer organisation we rely on grants and donations to keep our branch running. Without this we would not be able to operate our services in Harrogate and District. We do all of the fundraising ourselves and are so grateful to any person or organisation that supports us to help us run this essential service.
Recipient Org: Web Address