Bed Space at Farm Place - RWF 2023 (360G-WatesFdn-a1k6900000Mpqw5AAB)


We are seeking funding for a bed space at Amber's Farm Place centre in Ockley, Surrey that will give the opportunity for at least two young people from Surrey to transform their lives. Amber's goal is that the young people referred to us leave having achieved stable accommodation, employment or accessed further education or training. What makes Amber special is our tailored approach that is strengths-based and hands on. Based around the principles of restorative practice, our approach seeks to create positive behaviour change through a mix of active participation in our programme, wider community engagement and a focus on residents taking active responsibility for their own decisions.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 13688
Award Date 2023-05-17T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1051388
Recipient Org: County Ashley Court, Chawleigh, Chulmleigh, Devon
Recipient Org: Postal Code EX18 7EX