Proprietary challenges in stem cell research: scientific innovation and global justice. (360G-Wellcome-090100_Z_09_Z)


This project aims to identify, evaluate and address, through concrete and actionable recommendations, the challenges raised by proprietary practices in stem cell research in a way that promotes both scientific innovation and the public good. Our specific objectives are to: 1) identify the challenges raised internationally by current proprietary structures in stem cell research; 2) develop a catalogue of practical, forward-looking recommendations (aimed atinvestigators, institutions, funders, governments) to address these micro-level challenges, classified according to ease of implementation, alignment with the idea of science as a public good, potential impact on the science, and other relevant factors; and 3) develop a roadmap to get from the near-term microlevel fixes to long-term solutions that foster the development of a process of scientific R&D that is supportive both of innovation and the public good. The Hinxton Group methodology of convening an international, interdisciplinarygroup of experts to explore and debate over the course of a three-day plenary meeting, will be augmented with an enhanced data collection and synthesis period conducted by the members of the UK/US steering committee plus a number of additional experts. This Executive Committee will develop the documents that will be used to frame plenary meeting discussions.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 30000
Applicant Surname Harris
Approval Committee Biomedical Ethics Funding Committee
Award Date 2009-09-22T00:00:00+00:00
Financial Year 2008/09
Grant Programme: Title Project funding: Inactive scheme
Internal ID 090100/Z/09/Z
Lead Applicant Prof John Harris
Other Applicant(s) Dr Debra Mathews, Dr Peter Donovan, Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, Prof David Winickoff, Prof Julian Savulescu, Prof Ruth Faden
Partnership Value 30000
Planned Dates: End Date 2012-01-31T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2010-08-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Country United Kingdom
Region North West