Study of carbamate and organophosphate resistance in Anopheles gambiae, the main malaria vector in West Africa. (360G-Wellcome-093755_Z_10_Z)

Increasingly carbamates and organophosphates insecticides are suggested as alternatives to pyrethroids due to the high resistance levels recorded to pyrethroids particularly in Anopheles gambiae s.s. from West Africa. The resistant to these insecticides is now challenged by the occurrence of a new duplicated allele (ace-1D). To preserve the effectiveness of vector control based on insecticides, it need to provide useful information on organophosphate and carbamate resistance. The development of improved tools to detect and monitor insecticides resistance mechanisms are a crucial need and that is the goal of this proposal. Here, we will: (i) Develp by 2013 diagnostic tools to detect the ace-1D allele in An. gambiae natural populations using news innovative molecular techniques. (ii) Monitor ace-1R and ace-1D frequencies in the field mosquitoes of seven West African countries up to 2014 by using current and developed diagnostic tools. (iii) Characterise the metabolic resistance mechan isms against carbamates/organophosphates using a newly developed An. gambiae whole genome Agilent array. If funded, this fellowship will necessary increase the research capacity of IRSP young research team which will esealy assist technically the NMCP in Benin. Futhermore this proposal will be a baseline for a strong collaboration between LSTM and IRSP.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 218524
Applicant Surname Djogbenou
Approval Committee International Interview Committee
Award Date 2010-11-23T00:00:00+00:00
Financial Year 2010/11
Grant Programme: Title International Training Fellowship
Internal ID 093755/Z/10/Z
Lead Applicant Dr Salako Luc Djogbenou
Partnership Value 218524
Planned Dates: End Date 2014-02-28T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2011-03-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Country United Kingdom
Region North West
Sponsor(s) Dr Thierry Baldet, Prof Martin Donnelly