A Female Social Entrepreneur's Chat Show (360G-WomensFundScotland-FR-0032092)

Recipient Organization

to contribute towards producing a Female Social Entrepreneur's Chat Show plus outreach activities.

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This data was originally published by Women's Fund for Scotland. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 1750
Amount Awarded 1750
Award Date 2015-02-16T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S12000036
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type CA
Beneficiary Location: Name City of Edinburgh
Beneficiary Location: Name City of Edinburgh
Data Source https://www.womensfundscotland.org/
Grant Programme: Code Old WFS - paid as Express Grants
Grant Programme: Title Women's Fund For Scotland
Last Modified 2023-03-17T12:54:10Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 13
Planned Dates: End Date 2015-03-31T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2014-02-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC045966
Recipient Org: Company Number SC291663
Recipient Org: Description The Melting Pot is a charity and a social enterprise. We operate according to the voluntary code of practice for social enterprise in Scotland, a set of criteria, behaviours and values. We are governed by 10 non-executive directors who guide and support us in our work. Our mission is to promote social innovation by providing practical resources, knowledge, support and networks to diverse enterprises aiming to generate social impact across Scotland. We do this through our pioneering co-working community, our social innovation incubator and a programme of inspiring events. Prior to Covid-19 our model of delivery was based on a physical social innovation hub, in the heart of Edinburgh serving the Third Sector. Our space was more than an office, it was a place where social enterprises, charities and social innovators could come together, to work, learn and collaborate maximising their social impact. With 160+ members accessing the space on a daily basis (daytime and evenings) and over 12,000 delegates (daytime, evenings and weekends) utilising our venue hire services. Alongside this our incubate arm of the business ?Good Ideas? supported over 300 people with direct experience of disadvantage. Sparking ideas, developing entrepreneurial skills and business acumen. 80% of our alumni are still active within the sector, either running their own social businesses or working for social initiatives. The six key ingredients of our approach across our services, enabled us to to support our community to maximise their social impact. We provided: 1. Practical tools 2. Space 3. A diverse network?? 4. Wellbeing support 5. Structured programme(s) 6. Focus on potential? The impact of the pandemic has meant that we can no longer offer a viable physical space. We have lost 100% of our venue hire income, which supported us to stimulate and support social innovation. The wider impact on our community of the pandemic includes: - Isolation - Loneliness - Reduced opportunities to connect and collaborate - Poor wellbeing - Less resource to deliver their work - Unemployment - Increased stress We know that the physical services we previously offered addressed many of these needs. We have been exploring new ways we can continue to support our community. The Melting Pot is the only organisation in Scotland that focuses explicitly on stimulating social innovation and that provides a space where social innovators can work alongside one another to maximise their social impact. As the world has shifted to remote working, it has presented numerous challenges. People feel less connected, leadership of remote teams can be a challenge, many feel isolated and resources are limited. Our project would aim to address these challenges. Unemployment is on the increase with young people being one of the groups who have been adversely affected. Our knowledge and experience in social innovation, along with our network of partners we work with makes us well positioned to support young people to develop the key skills needed for work now and in the future. We know success is directly linked to having a supportive network. For many young people the opportunity to access a diverse network has been removed. By shifting to digital delivery of our incubation programme, with access into our virtual hub we will be able to support young people on their pathway into employment. We know that our six key ingredients of our services result in social impact; ? Practical tools, ? Space ? A diverse network ? Wellbeing support ? Structured programme ? Focus on potential At this time we are unable to offer this through our physical space ? however we believe we can capture our USP and create a thriving virtual community. Digital services have the potential to both meet the needs of our community whilst also increasing access to a much wider community across Scotland. We lost £150k of projected trading income directly resulting from COVID-19 crisis Responding to the pandemic, in March we shut both city center premises. Overnight we lost all income from venue hire & coworking. A significant proportion of our reserves have been spent on our rent liability and non-furloughed staff. Existing / new virtual services generate some income but nothing sufficient to offset expenses incurred since Covid started. A small amount of income has been generated from our coworking services. (A return to normal demand for these services is not anticipated until Spring 2021, with significant increase in 'flexible workspace' due autumn onwards. To capture this, we need premises in the spring to be ready to capture the change in the market). Good Ideas and Coworking Accelerator were paused due to lack of capacity while staff were furloughed. We lost essential income from their services and grant funding.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.themeltingpotedinburgh.org.uk