Grant to Melanoma Focus (360G-bulldogtrust-GB-CHC-512440_2021-07-06)

Funding Organization
Recipient Organization

Melanoma Focus (MF) is a national Registered Charity founded in 2012 in memory and in recognition of the work of Professor Sheila Bingham (Rodwell),who died of melanoma in 2009. MF’s mission is to commission and fund innovative research, while providing support and information topatients, carers,and healthcare professionals.Under their guidance,MF provides a suite of effective and reassuring patient and professional-focused support services,based on expert knowledge and practice. MF is using funding from The Fore to purchase a CRM system to help it meet its existing and future needs.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 28132
Award Date 2021-07-06
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code K02000001
Beneficiary Location: Name Throughout the UK
From An Open Call? Yes
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 24
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1124716
Recipient Org: Postal Code CB11ND
Recipient Org: Web Address