ALB-Historic England-The North Lanes Vol. 2 Roman (360G-cabinetoffice-GA-255718)

From 1978 to 1982, Carlisle Archaeological Unit (CAU) carried out a programme of archaeological excavation and standing building recording, funded in part by the then Department of the Environment, prior to the redevelopment of the Lanes, a densely built-up area of approximately 2.8ha (6.9 acres) situated within the north-east angle of Carlisle’s medieval city defences (NY 4015 5606). In total, some 26 excavation trenches were opened over the site as a whole, and a further 20 areas were subjected to watching brief. The project was divided into two areas: north and south.

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Grant Details

Allocation Method General Grants - Competed
Amount Awarded 3468.25
Award Date 2019-04-01
Award type Organisation Award
From An Open Call? Yes
Grant Programme: Code SCH-000007121
Grant Programme: Title ALB - Historic England - Heritage Protection Commissions-fy 19/20
Last Modified 2021-03-30T09:30:00Z
Number of recipients 1
Recipient Org: City Lancaster
Recipient Org: Company Number 01618597
Recipient Org: Country United Kingdom
Recipient Org: Postal Code LA1 1QD
Recipient Org: Street Address Mill 3, Moor Lane Mill