Smart VIs (360G-tnlcomfund-0031052627)

Recipient Organization

The group will increase their peer training and support services, in the use of technologies and apps which can enhance the wellbeing and lives of visually impaired or blind people, by recruiting and training more blind or visually impaired volunteers. This will reduce loneliness and isolation, improve the skills, confidence and employability of volunteers, and raise awareness of the issues that visually impaired people face on a day to day basis.

Where is this data from?

This data was originally published by The National Lottery Community Fund. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Awarded 322605
Award Date 2017-09-06T00:00:00+00:00
Grant Programme: Code RCS1
Grant Programme: Title Reaching Communities
Last Modified 2018-10-01T10:04:18.5270000Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 60
Planned Dates: End Date 2022-12-01T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2017-12-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1160580
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code E05001410
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code E08000034
Recipient Org: Location: Name Kirklees
Recipient Org: Location: Name Newsome
Recipient Org: Organisation Type Charity : Charitable Incorporated Organisation