Arkbound Foundation-COP26: Systems change not climate collapse (GB-CHC-1087053-0066700000qFkDJ)


We wish to present various different alternative economic models as part of a landmark publication timed for the COP26 summit. These models, which also include working case studies, are authored by people around the world, with an emphasis on women and people of colour from the Global South, because people from these backgrounds are traditionally excluded from present narratives. The content and book as a whole presents a systems change approach and it fills a huge gap in literature - looking at community rooted, bottom-up approaches in the context of a systemic transition brought about by the needs of climate change.

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Grant Details

Amount Awarded 3500
Award Date 2021-07-01
Last Modified 2021-07-01T00:00:00Z
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1173072
Recipient Org: Web Address