Bute Elderly Befrienders (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0037547)


to contribute towards expanding the service to 4 days per week.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 27976
Amount Awarded 27976
Award Date 2016-08-02T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Name S01000746
Grant Programme: Title Essentia
Last Modified 2024-02-12T10:03:45Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 36
Planned Dates: End Date 2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2017-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC024686
Recipient Org: Description Cowal Elderly Befrienders operates in the largely rural area of Cowal and Bute. CEBs social support services are based on two interlinked and responsive strands of befriending ? 1-2-1 befriending support and minibus-facilitated peer-befriending community support. We provide social support services for referred elderly people living at home and identified to be experiencing the negative effects of loneliness and social isolation. 70% of referrals come from statutory services within healthcare. Our clients? limited social circumstances at point of referral are generally exacerbated by health factors and rural isolation. Although we accept referrals for over 65s, the majority of our clients are over 80 and have at least one of the health conditions associated with old age such as mobility issues, sensory impairment, or cognitive impairment, which often create or exacerbate feelings of loss and isolation. Our resources ? free services; accessible vehicles; trained and experienced staff and volunteers; a supportive network of partner organisations; tried and tested organisational infrastructure; enviable local reputation ? help make our project accessible to all who could benefit. The consistency of our services is the key to making a real and lasting difference to loneliness and quality of life. We aim to provide regular support from point of referral to end of life at a level of client choice; our services are responsive to the often significant changes in client circumstances that occur in older age. Over 26 years we have developed our work to best provide the social support that our clients? request ? the development is ongoing and is guided by our clients and changes in our locale. Client Services Recent services have included;- One-to-One: traditional home-visiting Befriending offered by staff and volunteers Out and About: wheelchair accessible mini-buses provide access to social activities in the community Activity Clubs: crafts, games, art and music often run in partnership with community groups Dementia Support: additional support for clients with dementia Information Drop-In & Outreach: drop in service, or information 'delivered' by our Information Officer. We maintain up-to-date leaflets, fact-sheets and post a regular newsletter. Assistance is given with completion of forms/internet access Hospital Support Service: support at appointments and visiting during hospital stays, helping to maintain continuity of service Strength & Balance: partnership project with NHS Highland. Weekly strength and balance classes for clients at risk of falls Ring Around: We contact all clients weekly, offering services or just to have a chat. That-Little-Bit-Of-Help: help with tasks that don?t seem to be anyone else?s job e.g. changing lightbulbs, writing birthday cards for the partially sighted, onward referral to other services for further help e.g. Care and Repair Our services also provide respite for unpaid carers. Providing an afternoon?s service to a cared-for party allows carers a period of ?guilt-free? respite.
Recipient Org: Web Address https://www.cowalbefrienders.co.uk