Grant to theGKexperience SCIO (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0052767)


To support 50 families in the Glasgow communities of Milton, Possilpark, Cranhill, Castlemilk and the Gorbals who are struggling to pay for shopping, energy and internet provision. Support will be tailored to individual families but will include food and

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 5000
Amount Awarded 5000
Award Date 2020-04-13T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S01010277
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type DZ
Beneficiary Location: Name Anderston - 02
Grant Programme: Title Response Recovery and Resilience (CLOSED)
Last Modified 2024-05-18T06:02:17Z
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC043023
Recipient Org: Description We believe all young people are brilliant but recognise that not all receive the same opportunities to succeed. We focus on long-term relationships, working alongside young people and their families living in some of the 10% most deprived areas of Glasgow over years rather than weeks. These relationships combined with the services and activities we offer, builds resilience to help young people manage adverse childhood experiences; increases confidence which creates a stronger voice in decisions that impact them; gains leadership skills, which increases their future prospects and they also experience improved relationships across their community, school and home.
Recipient Org: Web Address