Grant to About Youth (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0053007)

Recipient Organization

To contribute towards increased staff hours, mobile connectivity, food vouchers and phone credit for families in poverty and the provision of food parcels for a period of six weeks.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 4410
Amount Awarded 4410
Award Date 2020-04-22T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S01008455
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type DZ
Beneficiary Location: Name The Calders - 02
Grant Programme: Title Response Recovery and Resilience (CLOSED)
Last Modified 2024-05-18T06:02:18Z
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC046776
Recipient Org: Description Based from a community building situated at the foot of a block of high rise flats in the Calders - a vibrant, but troubled, housing estate in Wester Hailes, South-West Edinburgh - About Youth is a small, community-based youth work organisation. We exist to further a shared desire and commitment to improving the lives of the young people living in our community through the delivery of a range of exciting, engaging and innovative youth work provision including open-access youth groups, group-work programmes, outreach initiatives and one-to-one support. We listen to the young people we work with, value their ideas and opinions and work alongside them to effectively address their needs. The advice, information and support that we provide helps young people to develop as individuals, connect with their communities and offers access to opportunities that enable them to be active, creative and learn new skills - raising aspirations, increasing confidence and better preparing young people for succeeding in life and work. We have a proven track-record of reaching out to, positively engaging and building relationships with the most vulnerable young people in our community ? particularly those affected by crime, substance misuse and trauma ? and helping and supporting young people to overcome challenges, disadvantages and adversities and to create positive and lasting change in their lives. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly adapted our work in order to try our best to continue to support young people and to respond to the needs of them and their families. Currently, we are providing two key services - the distribution of food and essentials parcels to vulnerable families and households and a range of digital youth work services for children and young people. As soon as the ?lockdown? period began, we knew that food would be a huge issue of concern for many of the young people and families we work with. The local primary and secondary schools that the majority of our participants attend report that over 90% of pupils receive free school meals. The result of many businesses shutting has had a huge detrimental impact on the incomes of many families and households in our community. As a result, many working families who were previously ?just been getting by? are finding themselves thrust into poverty. Food was already included in all of our youth work provision, because we know that poverty levels are high in our community and that issues like holiday hunger are significant. Working alongside our local Calder Residents Association we have effectively re-purposed the building we are based from, a small community flat, into a food distribution hub for the local area. We are giving out packed lunches on a daily basis, preparing and handing out cooked food and distributing food and essentials parcels. In order to minimise the risk for people who are maintaining strict social distancing or are self-isolating, we are providing around 350 doorstep deliveries per week. Digital youth work, the act of engaging young people in youth work provision online and using technology, was already something that we routinely did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic forcing us to pause our group-work and one-to-one activity. The fact we were already regularly communicating and linked in with young people via our social media meant that we have been able to naturally continue to maintain contact with the vast majority of young people who access our projects. We are providing high levels of one-to-one support to young people on a daily basis, providing them with help, advice and support and the opportunity to express their fears and worries. In addition, we are using a variety of different methods to engage young people online in order to enable them to still feel connected to their friends and youth workers including running live streams of some of our ?adventures? while out and about delivering food, coordinating film, book and music clubs and online games tournaments and holding group quizzes and other challenges. Young people tell us that they are finding the temporary closure of youth facilities very difficult. We know that recreating the feel of a youth group online is challenging, but we are trying our best to keep the spirit of our youth groups active during this difficult period. We are constantly learning and adapting our COVID-19 activity in response to feedback from young people and their ideas. About Youth provides the only youth work activity in the Calders area and it is vitally important that we are able to continue to focus our energy on being a valuable and dependable source of emotional and practical support for young people in addition to our efforts to help distribute food. We are already seeing that the stress and tensions created by young people having to largely remain indoors or self-isolate is profound. The majority of young people we work with live in high rise or multi-block housing and have no gardens or access to private outdoor spaces. Many suffer from poor mental health and live in fraught and tense homes that are struggling to deal with what is happening. These young people need our support now more than ever in order to cope with what they are experiencing, remain safe and to come through to the other side, whatever that may look like.
Recipient Org: Web Address