Grant to TRACTion Cancer Support (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0055064)


To contribute to the cost of delivering re-designed pain-relieving therapy sessions in the form of live online massage tutorials where patients can learn to administer their own specific treatment plan (patients often suffer from permanent head and neck p

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 3200
Amount Awarded 3200
Award Date 2020-09-02T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S01008334
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type DZ
Beneficiary Location: Name Crookfur and Fruin - 07
Grant Programme: Title Response Recovery and Resilience (CLOSED)
Last Modified 2024-05-18T06:02:29Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 7
Planned Dates: End Date 2021-04-13T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-09-13T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC048145
Recipient Org: Description Launched in February 2018, TRACTion Cancer Support aims to raise awareness of, and support patients with Cancers of the Head & Neck, and include Cancers of the Pharynx, Larynx, Thyroid, Oesophagus and Gastric Cancer. The common term for these cancers are ?aero digestive (ADT) cancers?. There are currently over 14,300 patients in Scotland with ADT Cancers and unfortunately these numbers are growing annually. The charity has been set up, and is run by, cancer specialists with 'lived experience' who personally recognised the growing need for targeted ADT Cancer support in Scotland. We are the only organisation offering dedicated support for these patients, and carers, in Scotland. a) Our charity offers a specific range of practical support activities and advice for those undergoing treatment, through recovery and beyond. We also offer important support and advice for carers of ADT Cancer patients. All activities are centred around helping the patient to live with the terrible, often extremely painful, conditions these cancers present such as problems with neck muscles, speech, swallowing, swelling and rotation of the head. We run a number of important activities and services to support those in need doing whatever we can to make life easier for everyone involved. This includes offering peer support groups for both patents and carers, advice, support, therapies and specialist tools to make everyday life easier. For example we have created a popular specific soft-food cookbook "No Chew Stew and More" (patients can often only eat 'mushy' food which can present many different emotional and nutritional issues for someone already experiencing an incredibly difficult time), supply soft food moulds to effectively 'shape' soft foods to avoid the 'baby food' look on a grown adults plate and we run a 24-hour support line. We offer social activities in recognition of the isolating effect that suffering an ADT cancer can bring as it is difficult to eat, drink, hear and be heard within many 'normal' social environments and the impact of this is that too many patients are left lonely in the home. We also seek to raise awareness of these cancers - as with all cancers, the earlier the detection, the better the outcome so we also aim to improve awareness and understanding of ADT cancers throughout the country and this involves working alongside dentists (who are often best placed to recognise new cases), pharmacists and GPs to ensure they are informed and up-to-date with how to refer a person and where to signpost the patient to for support and advice. b) COVID has of course had a big impact on our charity, but most worryingly it has had a massive impact on our shielding and vulnerable client group. Those with or recovering from cancer require ongoing support to ensure their health and well-being is maintained, they need activities to do within the home to relieve the boredom and allow them to forget their anxieties for a moment, they need to connect with others as frequently as they would like to help with their increased isolation - although shielding restrictions may have lifted we know that our clients are worried, nervous and fearful and so are not going out as they would normally do. Many of our clients struggle financially and rely on public transport so do not have the luxury of travelling safely alone in their own vehicles, increasing the risk for them getting out and about. In some circumstances patients have been affected by interrupted access to their usual care programme. This all means that we have had to both redesign and re-establish our services and activities to both comply with regulations and to offer the best possible support for our patients. We are doing our best to ensure continuity of support by offering our activities remotely - using zoom, facebook and other online communications. For example we are running relaxing arts and activities groups such as calligraphy and painting which we would usually expect to deliver in-person but in current circumstances we are now offering online. We have had to quickly learn about and invest in our online offering and we have rapidly developed a social media presence to offer specific ADT advice, encouragement and support. We are reaching more people than before using these channels however we are mindful that many of our clients tend to be older and may not have access or knowledge to the internet to understand our services are available remotely
Recipient Org: Web Address