Grant to Volunteer Tutors Organisation Ltd (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0055573)


to purchase equipment that will be loaned to disadvantaged children in the Glasgow area without access to technology, allowing them to attend virtual tutoring sessions.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 4700
Amount Awarded 4700
Award Date 2020-10-07T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code S01010369
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type DZ
Beneficiary Location: Name North Kelvin - 01
Grant Programme: Title Response Recovery and Resilience (CLOSED)
Last Modified 2024-05-18T06:02:31Z
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 8
Planned Dates: End Date 2021-06-30T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2020-10-01T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC000403
Recipient Org: Company Number SC249724
Recipient Org: Description The overarching Learning Communities Project is aimed at providing one-to-one tutoring to pupils in need mainly in Glasgow but more recently in other parts of Scotland. The Project works with young people experiencing difficulties with their schoolwork who are also economically and/or socially disadvantaged. Many are school refusers and or care experienced. We use education as a means to improve disadvantaged children and young peoples? lives, utilising tutoring as an effective mechanism for adults and senior pupils to help them learn by one-to-one interaction away from the classroom. The Project tailors its activities to the individual's needs and objectives so that support is specifically focused on each pupil?s problem areas. As a result we adopt a highly individualised approach to learning based on each pupils needs. As a result of the COVID19 pandemic all face to face tutoring has ceased. Many of the children and young people supported by the Volunteer Tutors Organisation have mental health issues. Not only are they behind their peer group academically, but they also have very low esteem and many are socially and emotionally isolated. Those that are supported on our QuESTS program (Qualifications for Every Student Through Tutor Support) are school refusers or poor attenders and consequently the tutor support we delivery is particularly important to them both from an education point of view and also from a mentoring and human interaction perspective helping to build confidence and self esteem and longer term, re-engagement with the education system. With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic the face to face tutoring provided by our dedicated volunteers ceased from the 16th March 2020. This had serious implications for our existing service model and even greater implications for the young people we supported for whom a service like hours is a significant lifeline, particularly for those who are not engaging with school. In addition to this we received several requests from tutors and schools to continue support of our young people. The crisis presented us with an opportunity to deliver our services remotely. This has been essential during the months of lock down but has also enabled us to provide one to one tutoring for geographically harder to reach children where we have been unable to pair them with a tutor who would otherwise have been a perfect match for them. In order for the young people to access this service they require the use of a laptop or chrome book device. Due to the profile of the pupils we support, many do not own such a device. The project for which we are requesting funding is to provide those young people with a chrome book and or a drawing pad to allow them to take advantage of the service we offer.
Recipient Org: Web Address