Grant to CLAN Cancer Support (GB-SC-SC022910-FR-0056971)


Budge Foundation

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 1500
Amount Awarded 1500
Award Date 2020-12-08T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Grant Programme: Title The Bill and Lorraine Budge Foundation (Parent)
Last Modified 2024-02-29T07:03:38Z
Recipient Org: Charity Number SC022606
Recipient Org: Description Since 1983, CLAN has been providing emotional and practical support services to anyone affected in anyway by a cancer diagnosis. While waiting for results, going through treatment and whatever the future may bring, we are in their community and by their side. We are now the largest independent cancer charity in north-east Scotland, supporting over 2,500 people each year from seven wellbeing centres and four outreach centres across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray and the Northern Isles. CLAN works directly with those who reach out to us, and 90% of the support sessions we deliver annually are undertaken face-to-face (and in the case of complementary therapies, with physical contact). Due to the increased risk to our clients should they contract COVID-19, we made the difficult decision to temporarily close our centres on the 16th March. This has disrupted our ability to provide the following key services; ?Our drop-in service, which is normally the first point of contact we have with those seeking our help. Being able to provide this support face-to-face is invaluable, as it allows our trained staff and volunteers the opportunity to offer comfort and empathy in a safe and welcoming environment ?Our complementary therapies (including reflexology, reiki and shiatsu), that help to improve the quality of life for people with cancer by relieving symptoms such as pain, fatigue, anxiety and low mood ?Our dedicated Children and Families Service (CFS), that provides age-appropriate cancer support to children, teenagers and families. For our most vulnerable CFS clients (young children and children with learning difficulties), the support is normally delivered using methods including play therapy and age-appropriate literature ?Our support and wellbeing groups, that offer a chance for peer support, friendship and relaxation. Some groups offer specific support ? such as for those going through breast cancer or coping with bereavement. Other groups provide clients an escape from their cancer experience and enhance their quality of life, such as our walking group and art group To ensure that we can still be here for our clients, we have implemented additional access to telephone support, available Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm (including a professional counselling service, if required). We are also providing email support where appropriate and, for those who prefer face-to-face, Skype is available too. Our CFS team are currently gathering relevant online resources and are developing dedicated support packs. These packs will encompass resources relevant to each child?s circumstances and will give guidance to parents and other significant adults on how best to continue the therapeutic support journey at home. Telephone, email and Skype support are also available. We have launched a new range of online support and wellbeing sessions through our website and social media, and our Communications and Marketing Team are adding new content on a regular basis. To date, we have; ?A video in which one of our therapists demonstrates simple techniques for hand reflexology, to help with relaxation and to help relieve stress ?An online relaxation class, designed to help alleviate stress by incorporating Qi-gong breathing techniques, meditation and visualisation ?A video demonstrating self-massage techniques that can be done at home. Massage can be used to relax the mind and body by relieving tension, improving circulation and enhancing mood. These techniques can also assist individuals who have difficulties relating to scar tissue, post-operatively ?A children's hub, with fun activities for kids to do and also instructions on how to make a ?worry doll? (one of the support activities that our dedicated Children and Families Team use during therapeutic sessions) We have included a link to this page for your information; We are also offering online participation events, that allow people to take time out from the worry of current events, have some fun, and help with emotional wellbeing. One example is our new weekly ?Sunday Sofa Quiz?, which also allows us to raise vital funds during a time where the majority of our income streams have been abruptly halted. CLAN Haven (our 27-room bed and breakfast facility which was purpose built for those travelling to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary to receive outpatient cancer treatments that are not available in their own NHS locality) remains open, but with further safeguards in place. We normally extend the use of this service to those travelling to accompany or visit loved ones undergoing treatments but have temporarily restricted accommodation to cancer patients and their carers should they require a carer to complete independent living tasks. CLAN haven is now closed to all but essential personnel. Current NHS and government guidance on standards of hygiene and social distancing have been implemented and are strictly adhered to.
Recipient Org: Web Address