As Funder
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office appears in the 360Giving data as a funder of grants. Here is an overview of the grants they have funded.
Total Grants
Earliest Award
01 Apr 2006
01 Apr 2006
Latest Award
01 Apr 2023
01 Apr 2023
Total Grants
Greatest Amount
Smallest Amount
This data was originally published by Cabinet Office see their GrantNav publisher page for more information.
Explore GrantsThis data is provided for information purposes only. Please refer to the funder website for details of current grant programmes, application guidelines and eligibility criteria.
This table shows the recipients who have received grants made by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.
1 to 20 of 2,683
Recipient | Grants | Total | Largest | Smallest |
Recipient | Grants | Total | Largest | Smallest |
International Develo... | 2 | £1,445,000,000 | £995,000,000 | £450,000,000 |
THE GLOBAL FUND TO F... | 5 | £1,297,760,000 | £450,000,000 | £121,760,000 |
EUROPEAN COMMISSION ... | 1 | £564,102,545 | £564,102,545 | £564,102,545 |
United Nation?s Chil... | 130 | £441,762,306 | £40,000,000 | £-534,140 |
EUROPEAN COMMISSION | 1 | £438,430,926 | £438,430,926 | £438,430,926 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 36 | £424,990,501 | £58,421,773 | £72,478 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 31 | £362,115,609 | £210,000,000 | £77,838 |
Green Climate Fund | 4 | £351,700,000 | £225,000,000 | £11,000,000 |
IBRD HSBC T | 54 | £292,070,951 | £90,000,000 | £33,182 |
United Nation?s Chil... | 41 | £282,626,826 | £52,728,334 | £109,560 |
INTERNATIONAL DEVELO... | 2 | £280,000,000 | £280,000,000 | £0 |
GAVI | 2 | £270,000,000 | £222,000,000 | £48,000,000 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 51 | £222,199,374 | £40,000,000 | £74,960 |
WHO (GENEVA) | 20 | £212,513,015 | £70,000,000 | £1 |
GAVI | 1 | £200,000,000 | £200,000,000 | £200,000,000 |
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT ... | 1 | £177,115,435 | £177,115,435 | £177,115,435 |
Africa Development F... | 1 | £176,278,585 | £176,278,585 | £176,278,585 |
THE INTERNATIONAL CO... | 22 | £175,524,724 | £38,400,000 | £22,724 |
THE INTERNATIONAL CO... | 16 | £167,202,087 | £63,000,000 | £200,000 |
EUROPEAN COMMISSION ... | 1 | £165,988,238 | £165,988,238 | £165,988,238 |
International Moneta... | 9 | £154,021,534 | £150,000,000 | £180,000 |
United Nations Gener... | 8 | £153,344,958 | £52,000,000 | £115,415 |
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIS... | 11 | £147,530,847 | £68,000,000 | £180,790 |
IBRD-IFFIm | 3 | £144,734,366 | £107,920,000 | £17,687,554 |
INTERNATIONAL DEVELO... | 1 | £144,510,000 | £144,510,000 | £144,510,000 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £139,000,000 | £139,000,000 | £139,000,000 |
IBRD-IFFIm | 2 | £128,959,409 | £112,681,800 | £16,277,609 |
IBRD-IFFIm | 1 | £122,333,400 | £122,333,400 | £122,333,400 |
UNDP GBP Contributio... | 43 | £105,413,761 | £55,000,000 | £-31,605 |
UNDP Multi-Partner T... | 1 | £104,000,000 | £104,000,000 | £104,000,000 |
UN OCHA | 12 | £99,746,077 | £29,523,410 | £441,667 |
UNFPA | 15 | £96,757,964 | £60,000,000 | £0 |
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIS... | 3 | £89,500,000 | £77,350,000 | £1,500,000 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 16 | £87,353,851 | £30,000,000 | £25,494 |
UNHCR | 10 | £84,827,039 | £30,000,000 | £400,030 |
IBRD HSBC T | 38 | £82,903,544 | £21,733,333 | £-5,446,985 |
UNDP Multi-Partner T... | 13 | £82,733,495 | £28,000,000 | £75,000 |
United Nations Gener... | 2 | £78,800,000 | £78,000,000 | £800,000 |
Crown Agents Bank Li... | 10 | £76,492,611 | £20,300,000 | £120,141 |
UNOPS-HQ | 17 | £75,416,181 | £25,392,273 | £30,000 |
Global Environment F... | 6 | £75,000,000 | £19,000,000 | £6,000,000 |
UNICEF | 23 | £71,907,028 | £12,500,000 | £0 |
UNFPA | 18 | £69,286,757 | £20,000,000 | £31,407 |
Manniondaniels UK Ai... | 11 | £68,696,350 | £20,213,095 | £2,442 |
PWC GEC Client Accou... | 1 | £67,915,047 | £67,915,047 | £67,915,047 |
UN OCHA (D) | 7 | £63,070,000 | £13,500,000 | £600,000 |
UNHCR | 12 | £62,783,561 | £33,000,000 | £354,065 |
THE BRITISH RED CROS... | 14 | £60,301,464 | £33,000,000 | £111,186 |
UN RELIEF AND WORKS ... | 4 | £59,985,574 | £43,086,417 | £1,000,000 |
UNFPA (D) | 16 | £54,961,835 | £20,000,000 | £50,000 |
UNITED NATIONS | 10 | £54,182,403 | £37,100,000 | £45,000 |
United Nations Gener... | 1 | £51,500,000 | £51,500,000 | £51,500,000 |
THE INTERNATIONAL CO... | 2 | £50,800,000 | £48,000,000 | £2,800,000 |
SG KLEINWORT HAMBROS... | 10 | £50,480,571 | £21,016,000 | £-1,725,000 |
CDB | 5 | £50,042,386 | £17,640,660 | £2,852,237 |
UNDP GBP Contributio... | 51 | £49,631,307 | £11,000,000 | £-7,974 |
PWC Gec Client Accou... | 1 | £49,296,860 | £49,296,860 | £49,296,860 |
The UN World Food Pr... | 1 | £48,673,934 | £48,673,934 | £48,673,934 |
IBRD HSBC T | 1 | £47,901,991 | £47,901,991 | £47,901,991 |
The Foundation for I... | 2 | £45,584,717 | £32,700,000 | £12,884,717 |
Ministry of Finance | 6 | £44,253,476 | £28,000,000 | £0 |
FSD Africa | 22 | £44,134,553 | £14,550,000 | £74,000 |
IOM | 12 | £41,777,922 | £11,250,000 | £378,662 |
COMMISSION EUROPEENN... | 1 | £41,124,933 | £41,124,933 | £41,124,933 |
Action Against Hunge... | 15 | £39,116,122 | £7,147,412 | £-94,742 |
BRITISH RED CROSS | 17 | £38,650,348 | £11,340,000 | £-57,475 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £37,000,000 | £37,000,000 | £37,000,000 |
Ministry of Health, ... | 4 | £36,911,358 | £23,551,158 | £600,000 |
St Helena Corporate ... | 7 | £36,370,738 | £27,197,770 | £17,584 |
TRADEMARK EAST AFRIC... | 23 | £35,931,834 | £5,761,538 | £144,332 |
Food and Agriculture... | 11 | £35,426,733 | £17,000,000 | £102,856 |
Clinton Health Acces... | 8 | £35,383,995 | £10,978,001 | £199,345 |
LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERS... | 14 | £34,660,003 | £5,039,979 | £49,940 |
UNITED NATIONS WORLD... | 3 | £33,830,000 | £20,000,000 | £1,000,000 |
UNICEF GLOBAL SHARED... | 9 | £33,778,288 | £16,000,000 | £80,000 |
St Helena Corporate ... | 3 | £32,948,900 | £30,035,700 | £-82,000 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 4 | £32,716,000 | £27,795,000 | £8,000 |
Norwegian Refugee Co... | 13 | £32,527,194 | £14,367,210 | £40,000 |
UN RELIEF AND WORKS ... | 4 | £31,700,000 | £16,000,000 | £2,000,000 |
MERCY CORPS EUROPE | 7 | £31,676,830 | £17,581,820 | £127,355 |
MEDICAL RESEARCH COU... | 20 | £29,730,974 | £3,702,053 | £2,659 |
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT.BA... | 1 | £29,409,099 | £29,409,099 | £29,409,099 |
UNHCR | 1 | £29,000,000 | £29,000,000 | £29,000,000 |
St Helena Corporate ... | 1 | £28,790,000 | £28,790,000 | £28,790,000 |
ELRHA | 8 | £28,134,383 | £8,761,488 | £1,024,624 |
WHO (GENEVA) | 10 | £27,985,131 | £14,000,000 | £200,000 |
Commonwealth Scholar... | 1 | £27,797,000 | £27,797,000 | £27,797,000 |
Government of Montse... | 4 | £27,072,582 | £19,216,291 | £1,560,000 |
SG KLEINWORT HAMBROS... | 10 | £27,063,800 | £12,080,500 | £20,000 |
DANISH REFUGEE COUNC... | 17 | £26,662,215 | £16,214,041 | £-4,301,813 |
IBRD | 11 | £26,513,687 | £7,800,000 | £-207,668 |
THE SAVE THE CHILDRE... | 11 | £25,959,223 | £10,500,000 | £74,385 |
IOM | 11 | £25,621,915 | £7,017,130 | £99,936 |
European Investment ... | 1 | £25,267,853 | £25,267,853 | £25,267,853 |
The UN World Food Pr... | 2 | £25,230,561 | £13,300,561 | £11,930,000 |
The World Bank IBRD ... | 1 | £25,034,661 | £25,034,661 | £25,034,661 |
MSI Reproductive Cho... | 6 | £25,007,975 | £10,748,485 | £474,047 |
UN OCHA | 1 | £25,000,000 | £25,000,000 | £25,000,000 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £25,000,000 | £25,000,000 | £25,000,000 |
Karandaaz Pakistan | 4 | £24,695,877 | £22,944,337 | £65,420 |
UNOPS-HQ | 18 | £24,616,600 | £4,550,000 | £-2,933 |
The Save The Childre... | 15 | £24,154,978 | £9,877,906 | £-130,400 |
International Rescue... | 15 | £23,735,095 | £7,179,455 | £-70,268 |
INTERNATIONAL MEDICA... | 10 | £23,377,833 | £5,421,387 | £-104,246 |
Ministry of Finance ... | 3 | £23,341,783 | £11,060,000 | £1,455,381 |
Mercy Corps Europe | 10 | £23,293,783 | £9,323,975 | £-244,511 |
COMMISSION EUROPEENN... | 1 | £23,275,749 | £23,275,749 | £23,275,749 |
CARE INTERNATIONAL U... | 5 | £23,048,264 | £8,782,974 | £34,199 |
UN OCHA | 3 | £22,868,816 | £21,000,000 | £300,000 |
UNDP CONTRIBUTIONS A... | 4 | £22,691,677 | £22,000,000 | £61,677 |
Social Fund for Deve... | 2 | £21,996,360 | £13,940,360 | £8,056,000 |
Deutsche Gesellschaf... | 10 | £21,884,579 | £7,614,120 | £150,000 |
IBRD HSBC T | 1 | £21,700,000 | £21,700,000 | £21,700,000 |
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT ... | 4 | £21,399,915 | £16,999,915 | £0 |
INTERNATIONAL RESCUE... | 11 | £21,339,468 | £6,799,381 | £-355,310 |
FAO | 10 | £21,062,271 | £6,300,000 | £2,178 |
FSD Africa | 4 | £21,028,016 | £16,825,102 | £30 |
Medicines for Malari... | 3 | £20,869,157 | £9,469,157 | £4,500,000 |
Care International U... | 4 | £20,774,693 | £16,151,447 | £271,793 |
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE... | 3 | £20,724,582 | £15,163,178 | £2,561,403 |
Medicines for Malari... | 2 | £20,662,624 | £15,000,000 | £5,662,624 |
Mercy Corps Europe | 2 | £20,543,240 | £16,475,000 | £4,068,240 |
Voluntary Service Ov... | 4 | £20,233,702 | £11,815,033 | £260,057 |
DISASTERS EMERGENCY ... | 3 | £20,000,000 | £10,000,000 | £1,500,000 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 1 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 |
MIGA | 1 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 |
MINISTRY OF FINANCE | 1 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 |
PA-Ministry of Finan... | 1 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 | £20,000,000 |
UN OCHA (D) | 2 | £20,000,000 | £11,500,000 | £8,500,000 |
Government of Montse... | 1 | £19,957,017 | £19,957,017 | £19,957,017 |
Population Services ... | 6 | £19,408,547 | £6,771,372 | £40,784 |
IFAD | 1 | £19,210,500 | £19,210,500 | £19,210,500 |
IMA World Health | 3 | £19,073,942 | £10,419,497 | £955,502 |
THE WORLD BANK (IBRD... | 1 | £19,000,000 | £19,000,000 | £19,000,000 |
UNDP MULTI-PARTNER T... | 3 | £18,880,000 | £9,630,000 | £3,000,000 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £18,700,000 | £18,700,000 | £18,700,000 |
THE INSTITUTE OF DEV... | 20 | £18,459,913 | £3,023,607 | £17,981 |
WELLCOME TRUST | 9 | £18,454,341 | £7,883,705 | £64,693 |
IOM INTERNATIONAL OR... | 10 | £18,188,556 | £5,500,000 | £23,000 |
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE... | 2 | £17,389,860 | £15,652,763 | £1,737,097 |
SAVE THE CHILDREN UK | 3 | £17,200,078 | £16,300,000 | £200,000 |
BRITISH RED CROSS (D... | 4 | £16,500,000 | £7,200,000 | £1,000,000 |
BILL & MELINDA GATES... | 18 | £16,488,151 | £2,500,666 | £0 |
GLOBAL INNOVATION FU... | 6 | £15,957,000 | £7,357,000 | £300,000 |
University Of Oxford... | 23 | £15,817,056 | £1,873,529 | £-32,369 |
SG KLEINWORT HAMBROS... | 1 | £15,575,000 | £15,575,000 | £15,575,000 |
AgDevCo Limited USD | 5 | £15,202,049 | £9,010,979 | £40,894 |
Social Fund for Deve... | 1 | £15,170,415 | £15,170,415 | £15,170,415 |
Drugs for Neglected ... | 1 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 |
EBRD | 1 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 |
UNAIDS | 1 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 | £15,000,000 |
Karandaaz Pakistan | 1 | £14,782,609 | £14,782,609 | £14,782,609 |
EDUCATION DEVELOPMEN... | 5 | £14,651,417 | £9,486,385 | £387,326 |
Met Office | 30 | £14,530,945 | £3,977,478 | £-438,078 |
INTERNATIONAL FINANC... | 2 | £14,471,604 | £14,221,604 | £250,000 |
KPMG LLP | 1 | £14,445,134 | £14,445,134 | £14,445,134 |
UN WOMEN | 4 | £14,416,646 | £12,500,000 | £166,646 |
Clinton Health Acces... | 3 | £14,293,944 | £9,654,008 | £489,597 |
DANISH REFUGEE COUNC... | 10 | £14,080,253 | £3,140,376 | £93,736 |
Energy Community Sec... | 1 | £14,000,000 | £14,000,000 | £14,000,000 |
National Aid Fund | 2 | £14,000,000 | £9,000,000 | £5,000,000 |
GSMA Mobile for Deve... | 5 | £13,888,256 | £7,643,354 | £18,789 |
CONCERN WORLDWIDE (U... | 9 | £13,506,252 | £6,929,175 | £-289,870 |
UN Global Compact | 3 | £13,500,000 | £6,500,000 | £1,800,000 |
FAO (Food and Agricu... | 2 | £13,440,103 | £11,806,926 | £1,633,177 |
GDI Hub CIC | 5 | £13,277,718 | £5,468,754 | £0 |
THE MENTOR INITIATIV... | 6 | £13,046,642 | £3,555,408 | £347,266 |
UN OCHA | 1 | £13,000,000 | £13,000,000 | £13,000,000 |
Local Administrative... | 4 | £12,845,120 | £5,454,612 | £297,160 |
International Instit... | 20 | £12,590,234 | £1,997,872 | £55,028 |
Crown Agents Bank Li... | 1 | £12,529,940 | £12,529,940 | £12,529,940 |
The Save The Childre... | 7 | £12,485,420 | £5,571,593 | £54,359 |
STATE BANK OF PAKIST... | 2 | £12,350,000 | £8,350,000 | £4,000,000 |
The Innovative Vecto... | 1 | £12,291,000 | £12,291,000 | £12,291,000 |
Comic Relief | 18 | £12,288,606 | £2,208,701 | £366 |
INTERNATIONAL PLANNE... | 8 | £12,272,401 | £2,648,552 | £750,000 |
UNESCO (USD) | 1 | £12,185,564 | £12,185,564 | £12,185,564 |
UNOPS-HQ | 1 | £12,125,000 | £12,125,000 | £12,125,000 |
INTERNATIONAL TRADE ... | 8 | £12,074,437 | £3,610,000 | £170,000 |
TRADEMARK AFRICA | 21 | £12,017,962 | £1,896,441 | £167 |
Innovate UK - Techno... | 5 | £11,911,190 | £6,611,431 | £361,295 |
Government of Nepal ... | 3 | £11,886,230 | £9,086,230 | £1,000,000 |
BILL & MELINDA GATES... | 10 | £11,799,493 | £3,002,552 | £80,000 |
International Organi... | 10 | £11,789,539 | £5,868,297 | £-560,393 |
MSI REPRODUCTIVE CHO... | 5 | £11,771,050 | £6,521,762 | £4,687 |
USAID | 6 | £11,370,037 | £4,000,000 | £623,490 |
Pan American Health ... | 3 | £11,151,996 | £6,480,832 | £1,672,215 |
Innovate UK - Techno... | 3 | £11,034,112 | £7,294,491 | £492,702 |
UN RELIEF AND WORKS ... | 1 | £11,000,003 | £11,000,003 | £11,000,003 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £10,900,000 | £10,900,000 | £10,900,000 |
MedAccess Guarantee ... | 4 | £10,880,000 | £4,560,000 | £1,310,000 |
Results for Developm... | 11 | £10,871,020 | £3,198,246 | £-3,811 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 2 | £10,820,000 | £7,600,000 | £3,220,000 |
UNAIDS | 2 | £10,500,000 | £8,000,000 | £2,500,000 |
Project Implementati... | 2 | £10,496,705 | £8,899,705 | £1,597,000 |
The Global Alliance ... | 1 | £10,200,000 | £10,200,000 | £10,200,000 |
British Internationa... | 4 | £10,160,000 | £3,550,000 | £60,000 |
ODI Global | 20 | £10,101,811 | £2,370,923 | £-1,617 |
Association for Prog... | 1 | £10,047,067 | £10,047,067 | £10,047,067 |
Asian Development Ba... | 4 | £10,000,000 | £8,800,000 | £0 |
Global Agriculture a... | 1 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 |
Stanbic IBTC Trustee... | 1 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 |
UNDP Multi-Partner T... | 1 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 | £10,000,000 |
Ministry of Finance,... | 1 | £9,932,724 | £9,932,724 | £9,932,724 |
INTERNATIONAL DEVELO... | 7 | £9,911,170 | £7,381,501 | £60,834 |
Deutsche Gesellschaf... | 4 | £9,771,352 | £3,586,343 | £557,167 |
USAID Washington | 4 | £9,760,000 | £7,000,000 | £360,000 |
Caribbean Developmen... | 2 | £9,750,000 | £5,250,000 | £4,500,000 |
TRADEMARK EAST AFRIC... | 8 | £9,678,203 | £5,024,805 | £49,666 |
Private Infrastructu... | 2 | £9,675,000 | £6,675,000 | £3,000,000 |
Program for Appropri... | 8 | £9,643,221 | £2,473,949 | £1 |
BRITISH RED CROSS (D... | 8 | £9,544,664 | £2,000,000 | £108,733 |
Crown Agents Bank Li... | 1 | £9,421,901 | £9,421,901 | £9,421,901 |
International Labour... | 8 | £9,314,873 | £2,850,000 | £49,904 |
VSO | 2 | £9,304,899 | £9,000,000 | £304,899 |
OECD | 14 | £9,230,145 | £2,667,510 | £8,049 |
Population Services ... | 4 | £9,192,040 | £3,628,392 | £1,171,330 |
IOM (D) | 6 | £9,023,000 | £4,045,000 | £355,000 |
Voluntary Service Ov... | 2 | £9,000,000 | £5,537,150 | £3,462,850 |
Drugs for Neglected ... | 4 | £8,951,598 | £5,300,000 | £140,724 |
University Of Edinbu... | 5 | £8,931,096 | £4,182,471 | £106,075 |
US Agency for Int'l ... | 5 | £8,880,000 | £4,400,000 | £180,000 |
STATE BANK OF PAKIST... | 3 | £8,855,000 | £4,000,000 | £1,250,000 |
Global Innovation Fu... | 1 | £8,801,447 | £8,801,447 | £8,801,447 |
THE WORLD BANK | 11 | £8,770,000 | £2,400,000 | £80,000 |
Norwegian Refugee Co... | 13 | £8,741,688 | £3,736,827 | £11,500 |
GSMA | 2 | £8,568,942 | £8,282,789 | £286,153 |
Deutsche Welthungerh... | 4 | £8,536,445 | £7,273,199 | £-140,247 |
GOVERNMENT OF JORDAN... | 1 | £8,500,000 | £8,500,000 | £8,500,000 |
UNDP MULTI-PARTNER T... | 2 | £8,440,000 | £7,650,000 | £790,000 |
CABI | 3 | £8,391,347 | £4,321,147 | £370,200 |
Sightsavers | 5 | £8,303,039 | £2,975,345 | £579,986 |
SG KLEINWORT HAMBROS... | 1 | £8,250,000 | £8,250,000 | £8,250,000 |
Manusher Jonno Found... | 1 | £8,200,000 | £8,200,000 | £8,200,000 |
UN WOMEN | 8 | £8,110,528 | £5,000,000 | £4,841 |
@ILabAfrica - Strath... | 3 | £8,107,902 | £8,048,702 | £29,600 |
Deutsche Gesellschaf... | 9 | £8,101,605 | £2,550,000 | £41,790 |
UNDP Iraq | 1 | £8,071,168 | £8,071,168 | £8,071,168 |
CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC ... | 6 | £7,971,742 | £3,264,976 | £232,033 |
UK-Med | 9 | £7,921,194 | £2,750,000 | £35,180 |
SHELL FOUNDATION | 6 | £7,854,693 | £2,861,699 | £277,866 |
USAID | 6 | £7,670,000 | £3,150,000 | £220,000 |
THE GURKHA WELFARE T... | 18 | £7,620,976 | £1,399,477 | £-85,740 |
NORWEGIAN REFUGEE CO... | 8 | £7,523,155 | £2,635,689 | £91,560 |
Norwegian Refugee Co... | 1 | £7,518,402 | £7,518,402 | £7,518,402 |
UNITED NATIONS FOUND... | 7 | £7,488,605 | £1,900,000 | £-25,629 |
Manusher Jonno Found... | 3 | £7,450,000 | £5,000,000 | £450,000 |
NONVIOLENT PEACEFORC... | 1 | £7,440,058 | £7,440,058 | £7,440,058 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £7,362,682 | £7,362,682 | £7,362,682 |
GLOBAL OESOPHAGEAL A... | 3 | £7,351,641 | £3,474,360 | £518,204 |
Rockefeller Philanth... | 6 | £7,281,012 | £3,647,670 | £-78 |
Royal Commonwealth E... | 5 | £7,264,943 | £3,045,506 | £-201,795 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £7,200,000 | £7,200,000 | £7,200,000 |
UNHCR | 1 | £7,074,682 | £7,074,682 | £7,074,682 |
Aids Fonds - STOP AI... | 4 | £7,000,000 | £3,000,000 | £500,000 |
IOM | 1 | £7,000,000 | £7,000,000 | £7,000,000 |
Social Fund for Deve... | 1 | £7,000,000 | £7,000,000 | £7,000,000 |
IOM | 1 | £6,999,431 | £6,999,431 | £6,999,431 |
UNESCO | 3 | £6,972,900 | £6,752,900 | £40,000 |
UNFPA | 2 | £6,965,690 | £6,318,000 | £647,690 |
CDC Group plc | 2 | £6,816,308 | £6,092,552 | £723,756 |
WFP CONTRIBUTIONS UN... | 1 | £6,740,000 | £6,740,000 | £6,740,000 |
FSD Africa | 1 | £6,724,017 | £6,724,017 | £6,724,017 |
UNESCO (USD) | 2 | £6,624,630 | £3,974,778 | £2,649,852 |
Program for Appropri... | 9 | £6,594,532 | £2,236,042 | £89,792 |
INTERNATIONAL TRADE ... | 3 | £6,590,510 | £3,540,510 | £0 |
UNDP CONTRIBUTIONS | 9 | £6,529,140 | £4,836,000 | £74,798 |
The Global Alliance ... | 1 | £6,500,000 | £6,500,000 | £6,500,000 |
Population Services ... | 4 | £6,452,883 | £3,021,141 | £724,628 |
The Institute Of Dev... | 6 | £6,355,541 | £2,391,201 | £101,362 |
MIT/J-PAL | 4 | £6,217,435 | £2,396,981 | £556,935 |
The AECF | 6 | £6,215,371 | £2,521,731 | £-111,922 |
Loughborough Univers... | 3 | £6,117,631 | £4,817,631 | £650,000 |
CDC Group plc | 2 | £6,074,053 | £3,238,237 | £2,835,816 |
IOM | 1 | £6,040,100 | £6,040,100 | £6,040,100 |
IBRD (GEF GFATM ETF ... | 1 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 |
The Innovative Vecto... | 1 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 |
The Power of Nutriti... | 1 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 | £6,000,000 |
IBRD (HSBC) C/O THE ... | 1 | £5,932,755 | £5,932,755 | £5,932,755 |
TRADEMARK EAST AFRIC... | 1 | £5,914,970 | £5,914,970 | £5,914,970 |
CAB INTERNATIONAL (B... | 2 | £5,870,200 | £5,500,000 | £370,200 |
GSMA Mobile for Deve... | 1 | £5,866,967 | £5,866,967 | £5,866,967 |
CONCILIATION RESOURC... | 8 | £5,851,988 | £3,459,618 | £47,420 |
THE PRIVATE INFRASTR... | 1 | £5,850,000 | £5,850,000 | £5,850,000 |
UNDP Multi-Partner T... | 5 | £5,850,000 | £2,800,000 | £0 |
The Citizens Foundat... | 3 | £5,839,919 | £3,799,128 | £371,719 |
MPTF Office PBF | 4 | £5,833,333 | £1,850,000 | £500,000 |
UNDP Iraq | 1 | £5,781,149 | £5,781,149 | £5,781,149 |
US Agency for Int'l ... | 6 | £5,778,568 | £1,728,568 | £330,000 |
Population Services ... | 1 | £5,770,252 | £5,770,252 | £5,770,252 |
International Founda... | 6 | £5,739,421 | £2,265,884 | £201,773 |
UNHCR | 1 | £5,652,619 | £5,652,619 | £5,652,619 |
BRITISH COUNCIL (UK) | 1 | £5,627,037 | £5,627,037 | £5,627,037 |
ADRA UK | 2 | £5,610,398 | £3,456,399 | £2,153,999 |
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY F... | 1 | £5,587,366 | £5,587,366 | £5,587,366 |
The Wellcome Trust | 2 | £5,570,435 | £5,374,023 | £196,412 |
Crown Agents Bank Li... | 6 | £5,569,644 | £2,745,053 | £24,287 |
Christian Aid | 5 | £5,554,572 | £2,317,340 | £173,614 |
Norwegian Refugee Co... | 1 | £5,545,465 | £5,545,465 | £5,545,465 |
WHO (GENEVA) | 1 | £5,538,290 | £5,538,290 | £5,538,290 |