Iomairt Gàidhlig Ghlaschu 2022/23 (360G-BNG-2223_29)
A' cumail taic ri oifigear Iomairt Comunn na Gàidhlig ann an Glaschu / Supporting Comunn na Gàidhlig's Iomairtean officer in Glasgow
Where is this data from?
This data was originally published by Bòrd na Gàidhlig. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.
Grant Details
Amount Awarded | 15600 |
Approval Level | Bòrd-stiùiridh / Board |
Award Date | 2022-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 |
Beneficiary Location: Country Code | GB |
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code | S12000046 |
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type | CA |
Beneficiary Location: Name | Glasgow City |
Data Source | |
Financial Year | 2022/23 |
From An Open Call? | No |
Grant Programme: Code | 2223_PBG |
Grant Programme: Title | Buidhnean Com-pàirteach Lìbhrigidh / Delivery Partners |
Grant Programme: URL | |
Last Modified | 2024-12-18T14:31:25+00:00 |
Location Scope | GLS040 |
Planned Dates: Duration (months) | 12 |
Planned Dates: End Date | 2023-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 |
Planned Dates: Start Date | 2022-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 |
Recipient Org: Alternate Name | Glasgow City Council |
Recipient Org: Country | Scotland |
Recipient Org: Location: Country Code | GB |
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code | S12000046 |
Recipient Org: Location: Geographic Code Type | CA |
Recipient Org: Location: Name | Glasgow City |