Cinema Club (360G-CFSurrey-A600222)

Funding for a weekly cinema club for adults with learning or physical disabilities in Caterham.

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Grant Details

Account ID 001G000000vN2Cj
Amount Applied For 4630
Amount Awarded 4630
Award Date 2021-08-06T00:00:00+00:00
Charity Number 1089853
Company Number 03885646
Grant Application: ID a064K000005WwyV
IMPACT Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Last Modified Date 2023-04-26T00:00:00+00:00
Local Authority Tandridge
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 12
Programme Donor Funds
Purpose of Organisation The mission of the Arc is to work with those members of the community whose voices are quietest. We bring together a considerable number of community and disability organisations, providing specialist services that allow individuals to have a quality social and learning experience. We are committed to being at the heart of the community. The main thrust of the work is our inclusive events, activities and workshops. For example our Soft Play has weekly special needs sessions, which provide a hugely welcome networking event for parents and carers as well as a fun activity for the young people who take part including our sensory unit. We can boast a large number of community partners, to name a few : Prospero Theatre, Include Choir, Orphenus Centre, Bletchingley Skill Centre, Sunny Down School, Clifton Hill School, Woodfield School, Caleioscope plus many many more. We host creative workshops, young people's forums, have work experience students from special schools and have a close relationship with Prospero Theatre, having hosted their Friday Club for adults with disabilities for twelve years, which is the Arc's flagship service. In addition to our amazing special needs services, we also provide activities for both young and old able bodied people, which include dance, art, educational, preschool fun, fitness and wellbeing classes - we host in excess of 30 community groups which cover our communitiy's needs and demands. Caterham and the surrounding towns have an extremely high number of special needs and vulnerable people compared to the rest of the country, which makes our activities a much needed and essential service for the community. We have a extremely high number of special school in Surrey and we work flexibly to keep in close partnership, to ensure their needs are met and adapted regularly. NEW as of 26.04.23 The mission of the Arc is to work with those members of the community whose voices are quietest. We bring together a considerable number of community and disability organisations, providing specialist services allowing individuals to have a quality social and learning experience. We are committed to being at the heart of the community and aim to provide something for everyone. The main thrust of the work is our inclusive events/activities/workshops. For example - our Soft Play has weekly SEN sessions, which provide a hugely welcome space for networking event for parents and carers as well as a fun activity for the young people. - we work in close partnership with 3 local schools offering the much needed sensory facilities - Surrey County Council awarded us Warm Hub status, which offers free soft entrance, hot food and drinks to those struggling to make ends meet. We host creative workshops, young people's forums, have work experience students from special schools and have a close relationship with Prospero Theatre, having hosted their Friday Club for adults with disabilities for seven years, which is the Arc's flagship service. In addition to our amazing special needs services, we also provide many activities for both young and old able bodied people including dance, art, educational, preschool fun and wellbeing classes - we host in excess of 30 community groups which cover our community's needs and demands. Caterham and the surrounding towns have an extremely high number of special needs and vulnerable people compared to the rest of the country, which makes our activities a much needed and essential service for the community and work flexibly to ensure their needs are met and adapted regularly. Surrey is also a very expensive part of the country to live with accommodation costs rising many families] are feeling the pinch.
Round: Round Name 2021/22 Donor Round 2
When will the funding be fully spent? 2022-02-28T00:00:00+00:00
When will you Start to use the funding? 2021-09-01T00:00:00+00:00