BRITE Box (360G-CFSurrey-A665092)

Recipient Organization

Funding for weekly meal kits for families identified at risk of food insecurity.

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Grant Details

Account ID 0014K00000LGrXc
Amount Applied For 9720
Amount Awarded 9720
Award Date 2022-12-07T00:00:00+00:00
Charity Number 1187454
Grant Application: ID a064K000008wddV
IMPACT - Primary Age Group Children (e.g. 5-12 years)
IMPACT - Primary Beneficiary Families/parents
IMPACT - Primary Issue Food poverty
IMPACT Category Promote reduction of isolation and disadvantage and access to local services
Last Modified Date 2023-04-11T00:00:00+00:00
Local Authority Elmbridge
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 11
Programme Donor Funds
Purpose of Organisation Our charitable aims are: The relief of those in need by reason or youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, including social disadvantage. To advance education the public in the arts, in particular but not exclusively in the art of music, but the presentation or recitals, concerts and other activities as the trustees shall decide. Voices of Hope was established to help restore & rebuild hope in individuals, improving physical & mental health through community-based projects including cooking courses, choirs, community lunches & ladies pampering sessions. We work with key groups, including families at risk of food insecurity, women who have experienced domestic violence/abuse, the homeless, BAME groups, those with complex physical &/or mental health issues & the elderly. Since Covid, we have radically diversified & grown to meet the expansive needs within our local communities (Kingston, Elmbridge & Richmond) in the area of food provision & are continuing to address vital food insecurity needs through 3 projects: 1. Meals on wheels - utilising surplus food, we cook and deliver meals to those unable to cook for themselves and with no wider support avenues, Since Mar 2020, we have delivered over 30,000 meals locally. 2. In May 2020, we started the Brite Box (BB) project (Building Resilience In Today's Environment) sending weekly meal kits to families identified by our LAs/schools as at risk of food insecurity. This provides a healthy meal for the whole family & builds resilience through teaching cooking skills to children & parents. The success of this project means that we now send out 270 boxes each week to over 20 schools and 5 charities. 3. In Nov 2020 we also started The Good Food Co-op which is a not-for-profit, healthy fruit & veg box scheme, where the profits from full paying customers go towards providing a highly subsidised referral route (working with partner organisations e.g. foodbanks, refugee groups) for those who otherwise could not afford to purchase healthy food. To date we have sent out over 2000 boxes with 600 of those being subsidised boxes. We have grown BRITE Box from an initial start of 40 boxes a week in May 2020 to 270 across Kingston and Richmond. We are seeking funding for September 2021 to help expand the BRITE Box project into Elmbridge. BRITE Box is thriving and we have a fantastic team of over 30 dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. We work relationally, build strong links with the VCS and LAS and are now supplying Brite Boxes to more than 20 schools and 4 youth organisations with more on the waiting list. Each family is in the programme for a years, 12 weeks each term for 3 terms and we have spent time over the last 6 months developing a years's programme helping to progress cooking skills and cultural exposure, with a graduation event for our young chefs at the end of the academic year.
Round: Round Name 2022/23 DR4 E&I
When will the funding be fully spent? 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00
When will you Start to use the funding? 2023-01-12T00:00:00+00:00