Down Beat (360G-CFSurrey-A704592)

Recipient Organization

Funding for music workshops and mentoring for prisoners.

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Grant Details

Account ID 0014K00000jTakV
Amount Applied For 5280
Amount Awarded 600
Award Date 2023-10-17T00:00:00+00:00
Charity Number 1157740
Company Number 08958828
Grant Application: ID a06Py000000e2w1
IMPACT - Primary Age Group Adults (26 – 65)
IMPACT - Primary Beneficiary Ex Offenders and Prisoners
IMPACT - Primary Ethnicity All Ethnicities
IMPACT - Primary Issue Crime
IMPACT Category Connect people with the arts, culture and heritage
Last Modified Date 2023-11-10T00:00:00+00:00
Local Authority Reigate and Banstead
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 11.806451612903226
Programme Donor Funds
Purpose of Organisation 2makeit aims to help those with lived experience of the criminal justice sector, including prisoners, ex-prisoners and offenders serving a community sentence by offering them creative expression through programmes centred on music and the arts. Guided by experts including musicians, artists and writers, our beneficiaries learn how to collaborate and create, inspiring them to lead more productive and positive lives whilst in jail, and law-abiding lives on release. Engaging in music and the arts raises self-esteem, trust, and confidence, builds relationships in prison and in the community, and supports individuals as they re-build their lives, reducing their risk of reoffending. It aims to provide a more flexible approach to developing creative programmes to respond more directly to local needs to enable offenders in prison and in the community ‘2makeit’ in an environment which is both rehabilitative and creative. 2makeit’s prison projects have included percussion workshops, choirs, songwriting and art exhibitions in which prisoners curated a display of their own art. A vital part of its work is that it continues in the community. Supporting people to re-build their lives on release is crucial in reducing the risk of re-offending. Working closely with Probation, Jobcentre Plus, churches, charities and other agencies its support includes small group and 1-2-1 meetings, help via telephone and email contact, including advice on benefits and housing as well as providing creative activities.
Round: Round Name 2023/24 DR3
When will the funding be fully spent? 2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00
When will you Start to use the funding? 2023-11-01T00:00:00+00:00