Event support (360G-EssexCF-A437260)

To enable the purchase of promotional equipment and publicity materials for a support group for the transgender and LGBT community around Southend

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 986
Amount Awarded 986
Award Date 2017-04-18T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01015843
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Southend-on-Sea 014E
Grant Programme: Code 2016/17
Grant Programme: Title Southend Community Fund
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Last Modified 2021-04-29T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 2
Planned Dates: End Date 2017-05-01T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2017-03-01T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group All Ages
Primary beneficiary Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual & Transgender
Primary ethnicity All Ethnicities
Primary issue Stronger communities/Community support and development
Recipient Org: Description Transpire is a non-profit community group which supports transgender persons, their friends and family and the wider LGBTQ+ community in the Southend-on-Sea and surrounding areas. The group was formally constituted by its voluntary members in June 2016. One of our guiding principles and aims it to ensure that no one should feel alone or isolated. It is our objective to provide a safe, family friendly environment where people can meet and ‘be themselves’ without fear of prejudice or judgement. We do not expect members to disclose person information about their gender or sexuality, anybody is welcome to be part of Transpire, particularly those people who are vulnerable or isolated, suffer financial difficulties, domestic abuse or honour based risk , or exploitation, which may then affect their self-esteem and sense of belonging. Our activities include, but are not limited to; COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT We have attending national and local events to raise awareness about LGBTQ issues, we do not limit these to just LGBTQ related events, as our presence at wider events, like Southend in Harmony, and Southend Radical Fair have resulted in us forging great links with the wider community. HATE CRIME The LGBTQ community are at risk of experiencing hate crime. Many victims fear reporting or do not have confidence to report to Police. Transpire engaging in “Stop the Hate” events in shopping centre's, using our accredited Essex Police trained Hate Crime ambassadors. (HCA’s) We have over 25 HCA’s are have undertaken over 4000 hours of support taking reports, making reports to Police and visiting potential victims We sit on Community engagement boards for Southend CCG, Re-think (1-4 mental health) group, and a panel of counselling and well-being services in Southend District. RAISING AWARENESS We have spoken on local radio including BBC Essex, Gateway 98.8FM, and featured in local newspapers and online LGBTQ themed news websites like Pink News. We have attended fostering services, schools, mental health and housing services to help understand the issues faced by LGBTQ people. We have visited University of Essex in Colchester and Southend to conduct training sessions, We have been consulted by Southend Youth Council and a number of schools who wish to create LGBTQ societies. ADVOCACY We have supported our members, by ensuring their rights and needs are provided for; whether that relates to housing issues or GP’s not supporting referrals to gender clinics, or liaising Members of parliament SAFEGUARDING Running a group where poor mental health and gender dysphoria, domestic abuse can be prevalent creates risk. Safeguarding to our members is crucial. Our risk management has included three calls for service to Essex Police where we identified either members were planning to commit suicide or one member whose family did not know he was trans, disclosed that his parents were planning to send to Bangladesh for an arranged marriage and were proposing to take his passport. CHAPERONING AND FRIENDING SERVICE Many of our members experience anxiety; many parents join our group when they learn their child is Trans and fear for their child's well-being. We undertake a friending service where we will meet people in their own homes to reduce any concerns, and to enhance well-being. We have a number of volunteers who do this and we can organise these meetings usually within 24 hours. We also Chaperone members to Doctors surgeries and gender clinics; this is incredibly useful after they have had major surgery, and do not have any care-givers. SOCIAL EVENTS We hold regular bi-monthly afternoon and evening social events. We also run film nights, computer gaming events, and pottery painting classes. We have supported our members by organising theatre nights and days out in London to art galleries. Our very popular quiz nights open to all, not just Transpire members are a wonderful way of bringing communities together. All our events are well attended and since formally recoding numbers of attendees since February 2017, nearly 1000 people have attended our events. SOCIAL MEDIA We have a very active facebook group, Twitter account and website. We use them as platforms to make ourselves visible and available, and accessible to those who feel isolated, and may not be in a position to join us physically, but can improve self-esteem by being part of a virtual community. Whilst we are not a crisis intervention team, we do all we can to ensure member well-being, and engagement at all levels is pro-active to raise awareness to break down isolation and increase understanding. Training sessions are in the planning stage for Southend Borough council and Southend CCG. We plan to also support the LGBT staff network at Southend University Hospital.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://transpiresouthend.org/