Fees and transport for 24 young people and up to 4 staff to participate in 5 day activity (360G-EssexCF-A486276)

Towards the costs for 24 Year 10 Students from Harwich & Dovercourt High School and accompanying staff to attend a week-long outdoor activity programme in Ullswater

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 3600
Amount Awarded 3600
Award Date 2018-10-24T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E05004239
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type WD
Beneficiary Location: Name Harwich East
Grant Programme: Code 2018/19
Grant Programme: Title Multiple Funding
Impact Category Improve life skills, education, employability and enterprise
Last Modified 2021-04-29T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 0
Planned Dates: End Date 2019-04-12T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2019-04-08T00:00:00+00:00
Primary age group Young People (13 – 18)
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary ethnicity White British
Primary issue Education, learning and training
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1128090
Recipient Org: Company Number 06748835
Recipient Org: Description The EOBA’s Mission is to "unlock the potential in young people and young carers, through learning and adventure in the open countryside". Our objective is to provide for the public benefit, the personal development of young people and young carers, by education and instruction through participation in a wide variety of activities, with special emphasis on physical endeavour in the outdoors. The Essex Outward Bound Association (EOBA) which is affiliated to the Outward-Bound Trust (OBT) offers financial support to young people and young carers from Essex, who would not be able to fund these activities themselves, to attend Outdoor activities at an Outward-Bound Trust Centre in Ullswater (Cumbria). The Outward-Bound Trust, to which the EOBA is affiliated, is an educational charity that develops young people through learning and adventure in the wild. They work in partnership with schools, colleges and youth groups across the UK, delivering courses that are tailored to meet participants needs, developing skills and qualities that enable them to thrive in education, work and life. As a charity they also work with funders to provide financial support so that all young people can access the experience, whatever their circumstances. Since 1941, they have provided young people with vital opportunities to develop skills and qualities that unlock their potential. Research they have conducted over many years has shown that their approach is effective in developing young people. Learning in the outdoors provides direct and practical experiences that cannot be achieved within a traditional classroom setting and leaning through adventure provides experience of risk-taking in a safe environment. These skills are transferred back to school, where they help pupils become more confident, enthusiastic and effective learners. The trust delivers very focussed courses with a high level of interaction between the instructor and pupils which means that the course can be tailored to meet individual and specific needs.
Recipient Org: Web Address http://www.outwardbound.org.uk