Grant to Caudwell Children (360G-EssexCF-A602753)


to provide sensory equipment packs to support children with a disability across administrative Essex, Southend and Thurrock

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This data was originally published by Essex Community Foundation. If you see something about your organisation or the funding it has received on this page that doesn't look right you can submit a grantee amendment request. You can hover over codes from standard codelists to see the user-friendly name provided by 360Giving.

Grant Details

Amount Applied For 4960
Amount Awarded 4960
Award Date 2021-07-29T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01029576
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Newcastle-under-Lyme 012A
Grant Programme: Code 2021/22
Grant Programme: Title Bartella Charitable Fund
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Last Modified 2023-05-11T00:00:00+00:00
Primary beneficiary People with physical difficulties
Primary issue Health, wellbeing and serious illness
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1079770
Recipient Org: Description Caudwell Children wants to Change the future for disabled children and their families by providing access to the services, equipment, therapies and treatments they need to lead an active life. Disabled children do not always have the same opportunities as others and their families often experience more hardship. Did you know it costs 3 times more to raise a disabled child as they grow, that 1 in 6 families with a disabled child go without food and 1 in 4 without heating? If you believe in a world where disabled children and their families have choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding, then we are the best charity to create that world. While not based in Essex, we are working with a number of families currently to provide access to the sensory equipment their children need and wrap around support. We have worked with thousands of children in Essex and continue to have applications each day for equipment.We currently provide family support services, ensuring that we are at the end of the phone when a family or child needs us most, reacting to the needs of our families to ensure they have current valuable information to ensure they feel supported.
Recipient Org: Web Address