Grant to St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) - Springfield (360G-EssexCF-A666146)

to employ a co-ordinator to run the Furniture Bank for disadvantaged people in Chelmsford

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 12000
Amount Awarded 7000
Award Date 2023-02-16T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E07000070
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type NMD
Beneficiary Location: Name Chelmsford
Grant Programme: Code 2022/23
Grant Programme: Title Multiple Funding
Impact Category Maximise ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
Last Modified 2023-05-31T00:00:00+00:00
Primary beneficiary Disadvantaged / Low Income
Primary issue Poverty and disadvantage
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1053992
Recipient Org: Description The aim of the St Vincent de Paul society is to help anyone in need facilitated through befriending. Our Springfield group befriend the elderly and families, run tea parties for the elderly, provide fun holidays and events for families living in poverty as well as supporting in times of need through links with other organisations. In addition, the Furniture Bank provides mainly second-hand furniture, white goods and household items to those in need. These items are collected and checked over/tested before being delivered by our lovely volunteers. Beneficiaries are referred to us from a variety of agencies including Social services, Foodbank, Peabody, Social Prescribers, etc. Beneficiaries of the Furniture Bank have often just moved in to a completely empty property due to a crisis such as Domestic abuse, Homelessness or relationship breakdown. In additional to the second hand items, we are able to use a Christian crowdfunding website to raise funds to buy some items new where we aren't able to provide them second hand, such as cookers and carpets. We aim not to help where the Essential Living Fund is able to provide timely assistance but step in when their support doesn't apply or does not provide all the items.