Grant to Kids Inspire (360G-EssexCF-A689546)

Recipient Organization

to provide specialist therapeutic support to children, adolescents and their families across Essex, Southend and Thurrock

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 750
Amount Awarded 750
Award Date 2023-03-30T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Grant Programme: Code 2022/23 - Round 7
Grant Programme: Title Drop Swap Initiative Fund
Impact Category Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Last Modified 2023-06-12T00:00:00+00:00
Primary beneficiary Children and Young People
Primary issue Counselling/Advice/Mentoring
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1129513
Recipient Org: Company Number 06380082
Recipient Org: Description Kids Inspire (KI) was founded in 2007 to provide specialist therapeutic support to children, adolescents and their families who are impacted by emotional/behavioural/mental health challenges across Essex, Southend, and Thurrock. Many have experienced psychological trauma, including neglect, abuse, violence, and family breakdown... Reasons for referral include anxiety, depression, aggression, challenging behaviours, self-harm, disordered eating, suicidal ideation, and risky behaviours. Most of our service users have experienced ruptures in their attachment relationships and as a result there is a vulnerability to crime, gangs and grooming. With 15 years of supporting children and adolescents who present with mental health and emotional/wellbeing, KI recognises that challenging behaviours are underpinned by overwhelming emotions and traumatic experiences. Rather than just treating symptoms, we work to address the root causes by supporting children and adolescents to make sense of their difficult feelings/behaviours. Our services benefit 3,700+ individuals per year. Services include: *Creative Psychotherapies: Art/Play/Music/Drama/Dance *Trauma Resolution Therapies: EMDR/Somatic Psychotherapy/Trauma Informed CBT *Family Therapy: dyadic/systemic *Creative group work *Mentoring and coaching Kids Inspire is there for those who struggle to access support elsewhere and aim to provide help at the earliest opportunity to prevent issues escalating.
Recipient Org: Web Address