Grant to St Mungo's (360G-QuartetCF-A671523)

Recipient Organization

As requested by the donor.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 0
Amount Awarded 500
Award Date 2022-11-21T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E06000023
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type UA
Beneficiary Location: Name Bristol, City of
Grant Programme: Code DD-2022/2023
Grant Programme: Title Donor Directed
Last Modified 2022-12-12T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 1149085
Recipient Org: Company Number 08225808
Recipient Org: Description We believe no-one should have to sleep on the streets. Every night we provide a bed and support to around 2,850 people. St Mungo’s works across the south of England in the areas where the homelessness crisis is most acute , including in Bristol. Our outreach teams travel out early in the morning and late at night to find people rough sleeping and support them away from the dangers of the street. We stay with people past this point, supporting them with their housing, physical and mental health, and skills and employment. During the pandemic, St Mungo's has been part of the national effort to help people off the streets and into hotels to keep them safe. Since March, we have supported 2,700 people sleeping rough or at risk of rough sleeping into temporary housing, where they can self-isolate, including 280 people in Bristol. Our main priority is ensuring that everyone can get the long-term housing and support they need to leave the streets behind for good. We are working hard to ensure people in hotels do not return to the streets, as well as supporting those who are newly homeless due to the fall-out of the pandemic.
Recipient Org: Web Address