Grant to Windmill Hill City Farm (360G-QuartetCF-A687262)


We would like to run a weekly football session from 8-12 yr olds from local flats and a weekly pizza and salad session.

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Grant Details

Amount Applied For 600
Amount Awarded 600
Award Date 2023-05-02T00:00:00+00:00
Beneficiary Location: Country Code GB
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code E01033359
Beneficiary Location: Geographic Code Type LSOA
Beneficiary Location: Name Bristol 039E
Grant Programme: Code BYCA 2023-24
Grant Programme: Title BYCA
Last Modified 2023-11-06T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Duration (months) 9
Planned Dates: End Date 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00
Planned Dates: Start Date 2023-05-28T00:00:00+00:00
Recipient Org: Charity Number 277287
Recipient Org: Description Our organisation improves the lives of local people by providing services and facilities from a 4.5 acre green oasis in an urban part of the city centre. It provides education (informal as well as school visits, adult training and courses and childcare); addresses disadvantage (social care therapeutic activities); provides facilities (rooms to hire, play area, café and space for tenants); and undertakes community development (volunteering, events, building community cohesion). Our outdoor learning team work with families, children and schools to provide sessions abased around food, faming and nature. We run several small nurture groups with local children funded by HAF and BBC CIN, working to increase resilience alongside projects to increase inclusion. The Farm has a five a side football pitch which is used by local groups and there is a demand from local children we know for football sessions in the holidays . We would also like to provide one drop in pizza making session for local children we work with through HAF. For many of the vulnerable children we work with the farm activity is the only one thing they access and it allows a chance for contact with trusted adults outside their family, when they are not at school . This has proved vital for some families, allowing them respite .
Recipient Org: Web Address